Dude it's late, I'm high and still working on it, and I have the insane munchies. This is totally not fair man. 😁 Nice job Y0ink, those look really good, just sayin... 👊
@Sour_D,or i can make multiple cakes whit multiple dosages 😉 Your suggestion is not that bad,but i became really tanky and i think is a waste eating too many biscuits to get some effects.
That sounds so tasty Y0ink. I guess if it's a good strength for the rest of the family you could always just munch on twice as much. It's a double win for you. 😉
@Sour_D,imagine amazon prime brownies,whit drones 😂
The biscuits were really good,i dont need to say the are already finished 😊
Next time i will put more butter,because the effects are not strong enough for me.but for the rest of my family are perfect 👌🏽
Still have 900gr of butter tho 🙊
@sailormoonflowers,yes,im iin that situation aswell!
whit butter we can do everything we want,i can cook also a steak whit all the butter that i made 😊💚🍀