Put all the autos outside in their forever home - 20 gallon fabric pot. Need to transplant when she gets a bit stronger. Phoenix spring days are in the 80's so I need to get her acclimated to the heat.
As an outdoor AZ grower, how does your bb auto handle the higher temps (100+ degrees)? Also, what types of things do you do to keep it comfy despite the heat? Great looking plant btw, she looks healthy and happy!
@Piketownking, When you search YouTube for GrowingTheGarden, the algorithm will direct you to GrowingInTheGarden. While both are Phx gardeners, only one grows weed. To defeat the algorithm, I type Phoenix outdoor cannibus in the search engine to get to his videos. Good luck’
@AZMamaBear, those all sound like really good precautions that you’ve taken, and will take for your grow this year.. I will look into that channel as well! I’m planning on using shade cloth as well and silica is a new tactic to me I have never heard of using that before so I will look into it as well for future grows of mine. Thanks for your help, and good luck on your grow this year I really hope that you have success!
@Piketownking,I'm new at this. Last summer I started them too late and they got burned in the sun. This summer I started them indoors at the end of January. I planted them outdoors several weeks ago - added supplemental lights from sundown to my bedtime. Hoping that a strong root system before the heat sets in will help protect them. I've also been adding silica to her water. That allegedly helps protect from the high heat. The indicia's that I'm growing (Blueberry and Big Bud) are planted along a east wall - the coolest microclimate in my yard. When it gets really hot, I have some shade cloth that I will add to cut down on the intensity. Been following growingthegarden You Tube channel - he's a fellow AZ grower - much more experienced than I am.