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4x4 tent

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3-4, 6-8, 10
weeks 6-16, 18, 20-22, 24, 26
weeks 8
weeks 8
Grow medium
114 L
Pot Size
1.89 L
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
SillyTrippyHippy SillyTrippyHippy
3 years ago
This weeks comment will be quite a bit longer and informative: Lights are at 50% the nitrogen issue seems to have fixed it's self. I'm going a bit slow and lazy this round but I'm making an SST now🤣🤣. I made some labs the other day so I'll use that soon also... * Mid week I will do a foliar feed of Home made PNSB (when ever im home b4 lights come on or go off) * SST: Im using Rye and Barley seeds: Rye for its higher Auxins & Barley for a good balance of Auxins:Cytokinins and elevated Gibberellins. * Top dressed some alfalfa for triacontanol. (Didn't really measure how much) * Watered with aloe, coconut water, FAA and microbial inoculants.(I think I threw in some agsil for silica but not 100% sure.) Will probably flip in the next 2- 3 weeks. (There wasn't a seedling stage to put as an option I calulate my growth stages differently than this grow diary allows. I go off 8 phases of growth not 3.. in my book im 2 weeks into veg) ----------------------------- SST info and why: Auxins - Promote Stem Elongation, inhibit growth of lateral bud sites due to it being responsible for Apical Dominance. Auxins are produced in the Stems, Roots and Buds. Auxins increase on the shaded or dark side of a plant increasing cell growth on that side which is what causes your plant to grow towards the light, known as phototropism, and occurs from seedling to harvest. During the flowering/fruiting phase Auxins promote ovary maturation as well as fruit/flower maturation and has the highest benefits for flower maturation and growth in shaded/low light conditions. Gibberellins - Promote stem elongation, germination, flowering and enzyme production. Also assists with the production and release of specific enzymes that assist in the break down of protiens into amino acids. Also assist in promoting flowers/fruits in low light or low temperature environments. Found in the stamen of flowering male parts that influence flower production and pedicel growth. Cytokinins - Involved in cell division and new plant roots and shoots. Delays Senescence. In conjunction with Auxins at varying ratios they boost root growth, shoot growth and help heal damaged parts of the plant. Cytokinins also assist in leaf growth and chloroplast development. Also helps to promote flowering and is great during transition from veg to flower but is needed even in flower to produce flowers and new leaves as well as healing damaged flowers or fruit. -------------------------------- Benefits & why of what I watered in: Coco water and sst has amino acids that include Alanine, β-Alanine, γ-Aminobutyric acid , Arginine, Asparagine and glutamine, Aspartic acid, Asparagine, Cystine, Glutamic acid , Glutamine, Glycine, Homoserine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Pipecolic acid,Tyrosine,Tryptophan, Threonine, Valine, Dihydroxyphenylaline, Hydroxyproline, Pipecolic acid, Abscisic acid and Salicylic acid Aloe has amino acids that are Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine,And Tryptophan. Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, Glutamine, And Aspartic Acid. FAA has amino acids that include Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Arginine, Lysine, Valine, Threonine, Leucine, Tyrosine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Phenylalanine, Methionine, Cysteine, Glycine, Proline, Alanine Plants Growth Phases: Imbibition is the first step in life. This is the process of a seed uptaking or imbiding water which makes the seed swell up hydrating the enzymes and carbohydrates in the seed that initiate life. Germination occurs shortly or immediatly after imbibition and is the process of the reactivation of metabolic machinery in the seed resulting in the emergence of a radicle (tap root) and plumule (shoot/stem) and the uncurling of the cotyledon leaves and shedding of the seed husk resulting in a sprout. Seedling is the stage directly after germination in which the sprout has formed its first set of true leaves not the cotyledon leaves. We are now in the seedling stage. This stage lasts until plants have 4-6 nodes. Vegetative technically begins when 4-6 nodes have formed. This is often when we see the most vigorous change in vegetative growth in seedlings. This stage is the transitional period of plants from juvenile to sexually mature adults. Sexual maturity (preflowers will form shortly after) starts when branching goes from symetrical to asymetrical. This stage can be indefinite with a photoperiod species of plants like cannabis as long as we maintain proper light hours to keep in this stage. Floral Transition is when we flip from veg lighting to Flower lighting schedule. Most start counting days of Flower at flip but we still have the natural Floral transition phase which takes, on average, 7-10 days before we begin to see actual floral bud sites forming which is the formation of 2-4 brachts (clayx in the cannabis world) and the cooresponding 4-8 stigmas (pistils in the cannabis world) at the apical growing shoots. This is first day of flower and flowering should be counted from here. Floral Bud set/budding is when we physically can see an accumulation of 2-4 brachts and cooresponding stigmas at the top of each branch or the apical meristems. This is day one of actual flowering. This will naturally occur over a weeks time in flowering light schedule. Flowering Stretch occurrs 7-10 days after flip and lasts 14+ days depending on the Cultivar. Some people refer to this as the "Q-tip" stage. When we have small q-tip like puffs of white floral formations we are officially in flower and are past the floral transition phase. Flowering begins immediatley after the Floral Budding stage and begins during the stretch as we can see bud sites increaseing in size and quantity. Those Q-tips become cotton balls. Flowering continues in to the bulk phase where we see a massive gain in size and density. Early stages of ripening and senescence begin here and is why we see a fade. Ripening begins late in the flowering stage with abscision and senescence. Ripening is the maturation of the flower (trichomes) and/or any seeds. Proper ripening will bring a fade as abscision and senescence begin and the plant switches from nutrient assimilation to nutrient catobilization which results in a reduction of Nitrogen and Phosphorous from the leaf tissue and allows Magnesium to assist in the breakdown and removal of chlorophyll which gives way for other plant pigments such as Anthocyanin (Red, Blue and Purples) and Carotenoids (Yellows and Oranges) to present. Death occurs here at our discretion since we are harvesting the flower of the plant. I personally judge based on trichome maturity coupled with flowering times to ensure peak potency but if we didn't intervein the plant would eventually start to decompose and rot and return to the soil from which it came. --------------------------------
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Grow Questions
SillyTrippyHippystarted grow question 3 years ago
First time using a trellis net, but I'm tired of using lst clips when do yall put up your net I have 2 nets incase I want to use two....
Techniques. ScrOG
Wyregrasseranswered grow question 3 years ago
I think you know I have been wrestling around with that also. As you saw I went ahead and put up something 😮. We will see what comes of it. My take is that timing might be fairly obvious with Sativa's (of which I now have a few and have observed how lanky they get) My grow with Indica has not been that obvious. They just squat and grow, and I could never figure them out. My guess is that "when" with photos is really "whenever". To me these would be the personal factors on my next grow: Do I have enough grow sites on each branch to make tops? At what height do I want my canopy? How much total height do I have? (plus lights, I forgot to hence Meristem supercrop.) Do I want to grow to the netting or LST or Supercrop to set my net and canopy height? My thinking is that if you know you are going to Scrog you can be fairly aggressive with topping or FIMming early on. After saying all of this I don't think there is any definite answer. Just sorta however you want to work it. Best of Luck to ya! I think you are going to do great!
SillyTrippyHippystarted grow question 3 years ago
Any suggestions on the plant/pot that has N tox? I added some extra mulch. Haven't Topdressed anything as of yet since the initial. Just water fish and seaweed, PNSB(Homemade), a bit of agsil 16, and microbial innoculents.
Feeding. Other
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
If its in soil just let it use it up and be more adamant about it in the future. Should it ever be really bad. A flush is useful but the risk of drowning the roots is high in soil. Good Luck!
SillyTrippyHippystarted grow question 3 years ago
Just by looking at my diary/pictures do you have any suggestions for me? I'm always willing to learn.
Other. Other
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Seaweed extract/tonic is great for plants, also adding some mycorrhizae would be beneficial. I use "Mykos" from Xtreme Gardening and can not recommend this product highly enough, it does eveything it claims, then some! Might be a bit pricey, but worth every single cent. Malted barely ground into a flour is far more effective than just plain barley. It can also be made into a tea. Volcanic rock dust is another wonder ingredient, it is full of minerals and trace elements too. Also worm castings, - natures' wonder plant stimulator! And don't forget humic acid, fulvic acid and amino acids. Congratulations on growing with nature! Cheers, Organoman.
SillyTrippyHippystarted grow question 3 years ago
During my last experiment have cultured green sulfur bacteria. I usually just toss it when this happens... but I have a gallon of it are there any benefits of using it in my garden? I can't seem to see any solid research articles about green sulfer bacteria in the garden.
Other. Other
Benzelsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Ask yourself why you would want it there- whats the point of adding it? What are you trying to achieve? by adding a bacteria that feeds on a certain element- once that element is used up what do u expect to happen? or once the conditions for life that it had during the culture process are no longer there, i.e after adding it to the soil, medium ect... it wont survive. Adding sulfur would help, adding bacteria that eats sulfur may make it more bio available, but you have to be adding sulfur often to get any benefit from it. more to the point why do u need so much sulfur anyways? Look, this whole cultured bacteria thing is great n all, but the bacteria we want is easily added to soil via manures. U try running some straw or grass thru a cows four guts for a few days and let it ferment in there for a bit, and you will see how mother nature cultures her bacteria. And thats the good bacteria we want in our soil to break down organics and feed our plants. Mushroom compost is another good one, u grow fungi in any media for a while in the dark with nice damp conditions for a few weeks and you will see another version of mother nature culturing up a storm. odds are if you add your mix, it will be off the PH charts and will screw up more things than it helps. In saying all that, if you have one plant you dont mind losing, u can try it on it and see... but ive never heard of adding any kind of sulfur in larger amounts so no idea what will happen.
SillyTrippyHippystarted grow question 3 years ago
Do y'all have any tips or advice for me? See any issues I can or should address with the grow sofar?
Other. Other
TitanTerpsUkanswered grow question 3 years ago
Honestly looks incredible 🤩 not sure you need the advice bud! Well done
SillyTrippyHippystarted grow question 3 years ago
Debating on cutting down what do yall think? I'm also looking for a microscope that will take decent pics/video that will work with a Samsung Galaxy S21.
Buds. Other
SillyTrippyHippyanswered grow question 3 years ago
I am looking for a more cerebral high, I usually wait until 10-20% amber but this time im looking for mostly cloudy.
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Going by the pictures in your diary from the previous week, your plants are well and truly ready for harvest. Once the plant has 98-99% brown pistils, you should be in the harvest zone.
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
I'm not seeing even one trichome that's turned amber... think you need to wait a bit longer! That being said, it all depends on what you want out of your smoke... Chopping now would give you a cerebral high without any "danger" of couch lock... if you wait for the amber and see about 10-20% of the trichs that color, you'll have a nice balance between cerebral and body relaxation... you can harvest "late" where most of the trichs are amber - and that will put you on the couch... So YOU decide... what do YOU want? :-D Good luck!

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cannapassioncommentedweek 13 years ago
Good Luck with your grow 👌
Wyregrassercommentedweek 23 years ago
Cool setup... rocking and ready to grow.! Wishing you stacked and packed returns!💪💪💪
Wyregrassercommented3 years ago
@SillyTrippyHippy, Definite hands-on approach to soil. Which I enjoy! Obviously, I want to get nice product and save money but running a very close second is FUN. 😉 As you said, it would appear that you can make indoor soil grow as complicated or simple as you like. To me that equals playtime! Hey, thanks for all the input and feedback! I have really enjoyed the information that you and your grow are providing. Have a good one!😁
Wyregrassercommented3 years ago
@SillyTrippyHippy, Yeah right... I think you will be amazed! 😮Pleasantly so. Your grow is looking great so far, I can't wait to watch it. I'm actually considering just two plants next time. Also, I enjoy dirt. Might try soil next indoor and see how that grows! Oh, for whatever it's worth, THANKS A BUNCH your previous "like" got me to 100 likes and a promotion to Apprentice... who knew? 😏
SillyTrippyHippycommented3 years ago
@Wyregrasser, I thought about adding more 😄 and figured I would clone a few if I felt like it🤣 you think I should clone a few and do 2 per 30 gallon pot?
Ratch33commentedweek 73 years ago
I didn't read through all the comments, to fried for all those words, lol!! They look healthy, I always veg my plants just past the trellis net before flipping to reproductive. How tall is you tent? I would have just keep weaving the tallest branches until that net is packed from wall to wall!! If you still have ample space between your Lights & Canopy I wouldn't LST (Trellis will level your canopy! Grow them little taller & remember to lollipop beneath the trellis. . Happy Toking Sir Not sure if you did already, cant see from those angles,
Ratch33commented3 years ago
@SillyTrippyHippy, Good Evening Mr 😎 "figured I would take some clones" - That's really smart move dude, I do exactly the same. It's actually a no brainer, lol Anyway your main colas will get taller as you veg on, I'd move the trellis a bit up & as the main colas grow longer It's easier to weave them into the net. It's a bit harder to get the top sites in those holes when the main stems are still "Shorter". Taking the tallest branches & work them to the outer parts of the trellis will open up the the canopy & the shorter stems will get ample light & quickly fill in the centre part of the trellis. I'm not the best at all but have done quite a few scrogs. Your grow is looking superb, & those girls look happy as can be. I hope you have a awesome go at it, and as far as the topdressing I'd say it's fair they don't seem to be depleted of any nutrition as yet. They will start to show when the medium gets depleted You have nice big bags of medium, you're definitely must top-dress when flipping. Gaia Green should be perfect 👌You're schooled buddy, it's just like growing outdoors. It's all about envoirement control when growing in confined spaces. You have plenty space to use in your advantage still (vertically) which you can grow a little "bigger trees" = bigger yields. Like I said, I'm not the world best expert. Just giving some input based on my own experiences. I also still learn with every new run that I do & that's been since 2011..😝 I'm having a busy week, I'm definitely following you're updates as I'll get time. Just keep it up👊 Happy Toking👋
SillyTrippyHippycommented3 years ago
@Ratch33, i haven't lollipoped yet (I am waiting on a a cheap areo cloner to come in figured I would take some clones) my tent is 7.7 ft tall so there is space. The trellis is about a foot up 🤣 I just have that super tall one in the back left taking on a ton of stevia traits and the front left that seems to be the runt lol. The back left looks like a completely different strain but they should be all the same. I'm a fairly new indoor grower but decently educated. So ill take all the advice I can get. Outdoors I basically did a subcool or coots mix and hoped for the best with no ipm or anything for the longest time 🤣 Any other advice? Haven't topdressed anything besides some ewc,oats, and tea left leftovers. I figured I would top dress some roots organic bloom terp tea, or gia green bloom & some min phosphate around transition time.
Kynarethcommentedweek 23 years ago
love this
love_2_growcommentedweek 13 years ago
Best of luck with your grow, buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Sataxcommentedweek 202 years ago
Beautiful mate!💪🏼
MarryJuancommentedweek 153 years ago
Enjoy 🍀
Ratch33commentedweek 133 years ago
Looking Dank Sir!! Keep it up!! 👍