30 Jan 2022
Grow tent running now 30 days now.
Oldest plant is about 20 days old and youngest plant is about 10 days old. Of the 9 plants 8 plants are doing great only the 2nd Blueberry Banana is suffering a bit, i'll keep an eye on it if don't get better in a few i'll remove and I change it with a new seed.
In the pass week i moved the lamp at 40cm from the ground and till yesterday i runned the lap at 75% of his power , from today 30-1 the lamp is running at 100% of his power.
Light regime ☀️21/3🌑 temp ☀️25/28.5 🌑 17.5/24
Hey bro looking great. One small pointer would be to shore up those temps between lights on and off. We do not want to expose our plants to larger fluctuations than 9 degrees less when the lights go off. If we do the plants will stretch a lot, We avoid this with nice tight temp gaps between lights on and lights off. Also cannabis plants love heat and humidity. It is the buds that hate it, Up until weeks 2-3 of flower we can run up to 80-82 lights on temps. We want to drop those temps to mid 70's by weeks 4-6 of flower if we grow buds all the way through at temps over 80 they will be big but airy and prone to foxtail. We want nice big buds but also dense. Density is where we get our weight from so the best of both worlds is achieved with a bit of temp management at the right times.
If you do not have them get yourself a thermal laser temp gun and a PAR meter to help you better read the plants and get the most potential from your lights onto them. Also look up VPD, Vapor pressure deficit and how it relates to growing cannabis. It is a huge help once you get it figured out, If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. Keep up the great work man if you want check out my 200 light 7,000 plant diary and follow my profile. I also just uploaded a video to my youtube page I linked to my growdiaries profile. Happy growing friend!