•Both showing new growth nearly everyday.
•Defoliated bottom stunted leaves from both on 2/22 to focus more energy into producing new growth.
•Lst WC OG 2/23 to even out canopy.
•Res change 2/24 increased PPM to ~500.
•S.Lemon looks like it’s developing a deficiency of some kind…zinc/magnesium maybe? If anybody has some advice it’s most welcomed.
•Increased LED intensity to 100%
•Rotated both to give them more light to even out the canopies.
•Having trouble with both of them again. Lemon has some sort of deficiency/maybe nute burn.
•Flushed/cleaned everything filled up res with 500PPM solution different ratio of nutes.
•Doesn’t look like anything’s wrong with the roots but can’t figure out what’s wrong. PH stays between 5.6-6.4. Suggestions?