
First Ever Grow: Purple Punch Auto

Approved by Barney's Farm
7 months ago
Room Type
weeks 4-7
weeks 4-12
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
worm casting
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 4
20 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
whenindoubtsmokeitout whenindoubtsmokeitout
3 years ago
Started to pump on nutes a little and, of course, the PP picked up its pace like a charm. PP: looking like the underdog for a while, you now cannot almost notice the 8 days germination difference. applied some LST all over with some defoliation and tucking o to promote side branching and allow light to penetrate.
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LegacyMarketFarmweek 8
Hey there friend I would love to offer you some advice to help you out along your path to learning to grow if that would be okay with you? So cannabis plants love heat and humidity. It is the buds that hate it, If we capitalize on this in veg we can get much more vigorous and healthy growth from our plants if we aim for 80-84 MAX, In veg & early flower we want no more than 9 degrees less when the lights go off. We want to keep our temperature gaps in veg and early flower nice and tight between lights on and lights off. If we allow for more than 10 degrees less at this stage with lights off it will signal the plants to stretch. We do not want that, I would look to warm your room up with lights off temps. This goes for autoflowers as well. As I stated earlier in veg & early flower we want our temp gaps tight. Once our plants finish growing vertically by weeks 4-6 of flower we want to open that temp gap up beyond more than 10 degrees less with lights off. Instead of causing stretch, the response has now changed & the plant will now send extra energy into the budding process and resin production. Also growing buds at too low of temps we will lose out on a lot of size but they will be dense & caked. Too hot & they will be big but very airy and prone to fox-tailing and have much less cake. The best of both worlds seems to be growing buds at max temps of 77-80 lights on & slowly widening the gap beyond 10 degrees less each week with lights off once your plants have finished their vertical growth. With autoflowers you have to kind of watch for it to finish its vertical growth then begin. Look up VPD, Vapor pressure deficit and how it relates to growing cannabis. All new growers should learn this right away, Also if you have not gotten them yet get yourself a good PAR meter & a thermal laser temp gun like the fluke 62 MAX. These pieces of equipment will help you grow to your plants needs much better and get the most potential out of your lights. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask I am always around to help new growers out! Check out my diary of 200 lights 7,000 plants and follow my profile I will be putting out tutorials on my youtube channel soon aswell. Keep up the good work friend & happy growing!
@LegacyMarketFarm, thank you for the detailed advise. My temps are a consistent 24 degrees Celsius throughout, no gaps between day or night. The only change was that I lowered the relative average temp from 27 degrees Celsius to 23-24 as I am getting towards the end of flowering.
Dabkingweek 13
How long did it take to put the flower in those rolls? Where did you get those rolls?
@Dabking, hey man: so I am using a simple blunt filling cone that houses 36 cones/blunts in total. each blunt tube needs exactly 2g's of flower. I opted to just select the best nuts and grind them. once you have your filling mix it is a matter of 3 minutes per batch. I got them at the cones factory ( this was a dry run for my own personal project: I will basically do a special reserve selection from each grow season and store them in cigar boxes, in my humidor at 63% humidity. I plan to cure them for 1 year before consumption.
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spyderweek 13
DonPeyoteweek 7
Suerte 🍀 Me quedaré por aquí a ver cómo termina esto. Buen grow 🌱🌱🌱
Kynarethweek 2
good job!!
Swanbergweek 13
Fantastic!!!! Bravo!
PremiumBudsEUweek 12
Good Luck with your Grow & Happy Flowering ✌️✌️😎
Maryjane23week 11
Nice!!! Happy growing ✌️✌️
WeedIsNiceYoweek 13
Please stop with the AI descriptions, it's so obvious and blabbery, it hurts to read.
yan402week 13
Enjoy your harvest growmie 👌🏻❤️ And thank you for the inspiration (cigars/curing)🙏🏻❤️