8/9/2018 - All of these girls are doing great and have all shown their white pistils now! The branching on them has taken off and they responded to being topped really well. I’ve switched them from my 4x4 grow tent into a 4x8. I have to say it is significantly better having the extra space to be able to water, move around and for better air circulation with multiple fans. I also believe this will greatly help with light penetration inventory they bush out. I’ve been having issues keeping the daytime air temperature down due to the extream heat wave we have been experiencing. I think I have tackled this issue by running the lights at night now while the temperatures are cooler. Tomorrow is the official switch to flower and will be on a 13 hours off, 11 hours on light cycle for the next 2 days. Then on a normal 12/12 light cycle. IVE read that this can help the plants switch quicker. I’m looking forward to seeing the growth over the next few weeks!