5/16/22 - Day 59 - She's finally in! I've been a bit hesitant putting her in the ground, but she's officially at her final destination. I plan on using these same holes from here on out so I dug out ~100 gallon worth of soil and backfilled with my own mixture. Once transplanted I started with some low stress training trying to get all the nodes some light. Bottom node I have coming out the third hole up, 2nd node the forth and so on. I was a bit worried about fert burn as I mixed up my soil a couple of days ago, but so far so good. Giving her a 15-1-1 and 0-0-17 misting every friday and a drench of compost tea every Saturday.
Soil recipe
-Canadian peat moss - 1 Bag (5 cu ft)
- Compost - 4 cu ft
-Perlite - 2 cu ft
Added amendments
Kelp Meal - 3 cups
Neem Meal - 3 cups
Crab Meal - 3 cups
Rock Dust - 3 cups
Gypsum - 1 cup
Oyster shell flour - 3 cups
Worm casting - 3 cups
Azomite - 2 cups
That’s some nice tree you got ! This plant has a interesting shape and form 😁 I also have outdoor projects - take a look some time , I’ll be following this massive grow you definitely have farmer tendencies 🤣😅😀