5/30/22 day 70, 1 of the girls got chopped, 8 more to go, doesn't look like they will be ready for a couple more days at least with the runt trailing at least a week behind maybe 10 days.
Beautiful! Hey I got a question for you - have you grown Mephisto Genetics before and if so how do they stack up in your opinion? The reason I ask is because I just bought their Forum Stomper Auto and it looks beast but I don't know anything about the company or the breeder, my friend brought the seeds from Colorado and I picked them up from him. He seems to like them
@Troll_Patrol, thank you! That’s so good to know- this being my first auto-flower grow. I was a mid-scale cannabis farmer back in the HPS days and had great success but family and life and I didn’t start back until recently and it seems these have definitely improved since I began seeing on the market 15 years ago. Can’t wait to see what the Stomper will do you in my new grow
@Mitrafiend, Yea man I mostly grow Mephisto Genetics take a look at my diaries, I have a forum stomper grow that was a super fun and a great harvest, they are hands down the elite of auto flower breeders. I hope this helps, check out my diaries you will find 8 or so mephisto grows. " Peace"