
Sibanac fisrt time

3 years ago
Room Type
12-12 From Seed
weeks 1-6
weeks 1, 3-4, 6
weeks 6
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
Germination Method
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 6%
Northern Lights
Avg. success
Quebec Cannabis Seeds QCS - 89%
Northern Lights - 100%
Commented by
Charles56love Charles56love
3 years ago
la semaine ce passe bien les graine ont éclater après 24heure dans le coton et ensuite dans la terre Pro-mix donc voici la pousse continue nous en somme a maintenant 5 jours de vie réel
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Charles56lovecommentedweek 03 years ago
merci a tous de me suivre
JOE_S_GARDENcommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck dude.🤓🌱🌾🤓
Charles56lovecommented3 years ago
@JOE_S_GARDEN,merci sa devrais bien aller tu est de quelle coin du monde
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Charles56lovecommentedweek 43 years ago
Les graines de cannabis Northern Lights sont d’une variété immensément populaire. On croit que la souche vient de Seattle, dans l’État de Washington. Northern Lights est à 95% Indica, et seulement 5% Sativa. Ainsi, il produit une forte relaxation avec peu de stimulation.Description Oh la magie des aurores boréales ! Northern Lights frappe les utilisateurs avec une agréable sensation de hauteur corporelle accompagnée d’un sentiment de bien-être et de bonheur. Un choix classique de qualité plutôt que de quantité, Northern Lights est connue sous le nom de souche « 2 bouffées et c’est assez ». Avec de l’expérience, les utilisateurs peuvent puiser dans une créativité et une concentration accrues, mais les novices peuvent se retrouver collés au canapé et avoir envie de grignoter tout ce qui se trouve dans la maison, même à faible dose ! Imprégné de pouvoirs de relaxation musculaire profonde, Northern Lights est thérapeutique et profondément apaisant. Avec un héritage légendaire en génétique des plantes de cannabis, peu de souches brillent aussi puissamment que Northern Lights.Informations complémentaires Poids 25 g Génétique Afghan, Indica, Thai Arômes Épicé, Piquant, Sucré Goût Pin, Sucré % de CDB Medium % de THC 16 – 26%Caractéristiques Le Northern Lights est apprécié pour ses bourgeons incrustés de résine qui produisent un gros cola principal. On rapporte que les bourgeons de couleur pourpre « brillent » vers la fin de leur période de croissance, tout comme les phénomènes célestes dont ils portent le nom. Un large espacement des entre-noeuds avec des feuilles longues et minces indique le fond Sativa de la souche.Goûts & Arômes Goûts Terriblement sucré, avec un soupçon de pin.Piquant, sucré et épicé. ArômesConseils de culture Cultivez à l’intérieur et obtenez plusieurs cycles chaque année avec cette variété à croissance et floraison rapides. Northern Lights convient bien à la méthode SOG (mer de verdure) et comme souche hydroponique ou à base de sol. Maintenez un débit d’air constant dans le jardin pour éviter l’accumulation d’humidité.Utilisation médicale Communément utilisé pour soulager l’insomnie, Northern Lights est idéal pour traiter le stress et la dépression. Le corps lourd de la souche de haute est extrêmement efficace dans le traitement de la douleur chronique et ses puissants effets inducteurs d’appétit sont utilisés pour traiter les troubles de l’alimentation comme l’anorexie.
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Kynarethcommentedweek 13 years ago
nice job
Charles56lovecommented3 years ago
Magyarcommentedweek 03 years ago
Two small baby!😍😍
Charles56lovecommented3 years ago
@Magyar,oui elle vont bien
LittleJohncommentedweek 23 years ago
Good luck and happy growing💚😋🌱🙏🏻
Charles56lovecommentedweek 03 years ago
merci a tous de me suivre
Wifi420commentedweek 43 years ago
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 53 years ago
Hey there friend. Congratulations on getting into growing cannabis! I think you are gonna really like it here at growdiaries. looking at your diary, Would you be alright with me offering some pointers? So cannabis plants LOVE heat and humidity. It is the buds that hate it. In veg we want to take advantage of this fact to help our plants grow along much quicker and more vigorously. In veg we can look for temps of 79-84 MAX with lights on & no more than 9 degrees less with lights off. If we allow for too much temperature swing between lights on and lights off while the plant is still growing vertically up to day 20 of flower, We will cause the plant to stretch ALOT which we do not want. So in veg & early flower, Keeping our temperature gaps nice and close between lights on and off is key. Utilizing humidity in our rooms during veg will also help out a lot with more rapid growth but we must introduce it properly. In our rooms we have our temperature and humidity set-points, But when we combine those 2 it forms a third set-point which is the most important & that is called VPD, Vapor pressure deficit. I strongly recommend every new grower or old grower who has not learned it yet, To study and understand it & implement it into your room, Logging your numbers daily. For soil, We generally want to go for a PH of 6.1. 6.9 Is way too high friend, Lets get that number down and more dialed in for sure! This website does a GREAT job of illustrating it with a nice graph & very good detailed explanation for soil. As we briefly touched on before, During veg & early flower we want our temperature gap's nice and tight to avoid stretch. Why exactly our plants stretch in response to this is a genetic trigger being activated by the environmental stress essentially telling the plant the end of the season is closer than it really is. In veg & early flower the plant is still in its first stage of development which is to grow up wide and tall so when it produces seed, It can cast them out nicely. Remember, Whether we are growing our plants for seed or bud their genetic responses do not change as they gh sidedo not know any different. Once the plant has finished that first stage of growth by weeks 4-6 of flower with most strains, It is by day 20 of flower. Autoflowers you have to watch for it, But once the plant has finished this goal its new mission is to focus 100% on producing nice big flower clusters & to get very sticky so it can attract pollen to it successfully. So once that vertical growth is finished, We actually now want to begin to expose our plants to larger temperature swings between lights on and lights off. This will help activate that genetic response and allow us to draw out the most potential from the strain utilizing the plants genetic triggers to environmental stresses at the right times. We can also take this a step further with doing light deprivation in the last 2 weeks using less light to simulate cloud cover. Very cold feed temps on the last flush is very good too. If you do not have them already, Get yourself a good PAR meter & thermal laser temp gun to monitor your plant top temperatures & optimize how much light your plants are getting. We are currently in the middle of producing a very comprehensive tutorial series for everybody to learn from & understand how to grow the highest level craft cannabis all on their own. If this interests you please check out our youtube and subscribe. The first 2 episodes are out the next one is coming in a few days. If you should ever have any questions or need any help, Please feel free to follow my profile and shoot me a DM. I will gladly help you with the pull down & make sure you get the best quality harvest possible as it is the most important step of the entire process. Good luck my friend! I am ALWAYS around to help. Make sure to hop over to our youtube and subscribe it is linked off my grow diaries profile!