Day 79: My helper gave, her2L of plain water while I was away.
Day 81: I just got back after being away for a week. It looks like she did just fine without me. I can definitely notice that the fade came in more. She is looking super purple now. She still smells wonderful and is very frosty. Many pistils have darkened and curled in, but there are still many white pistils too. The buds look fatter too so I'm f*ing stoked.
I fed her 2L of water with nutrients.
Day 84: I fed her another 2L of water with nutrients. She is really turning puple all over now! I see amber trichs on the sugar leaves, but not on the buds yet. Looks like next week will be her last.
I caught a cold (hopefully not covid) and I can't smell her now :( I asked my partner and she assured me that the plant still has the same strong funk as before, so I hope I can smell again soon.