Day 51: She is looking gorgeous! The buds are fattening and you can really see the frost now. There is a hint of purple fade to come on a few leaves. She smells wonderful, sweet and dank.
I gave her 2L of water with nutrients and cut off a few more fan leaves. The humidity has been in the high 50s. I should probably get another fan to ensure good airflow and help prevent mold.
The light is now on a 100% power and at least 50cm from the top of the plant.
Day 54: I gave her 2L of water with nutes. I cut off a few leaves to improve airflow. She looks frosty and smells sweet and strong. The pistils are starting to curl, but are still white. I can see the purple slowing spreading on the leaves. I sprayed her with Leaf Coat during lights out to help defend from pests. I also found 2 flies in my tent, 1 dead and 1 alive that I killed easily. Looking over the plant I didn't see any damage or signs of pests.
Day 56: Gave her 2L of water with nutrients and again clipped a few leaves off. Humidity has been going up to 63% during lights off and 57% with lights on the last couple days.