The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Aerogarden Adventures

3 years ago
3 years ago
Nutrients 1
AeroGarden Liquid Nutrients - Miracle-Gro
AeroGarden Liquid Nutrients 0.793 mll
Day 1 - 03/31/2022 Hello, World! 34th Street AK-47 Autoflower from germinated in 1 day after placing seeds in the freezer over night before planting. This was my 3rd attempt and the freezing method seemed to have done the trick! Sprouted on day 4. I placed the seed in the Aerogarden sponge pod and didn’t press it down too much. When the tap root started, it had nothing to grip onto, so I solved this by cutting a small portion of another sponge and placed it above the seed securing it in place with a loose “lid” on top so the sprout could easily push through. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 3 - 04/02/2022 Hygrometer is in. Was drier than a popcorns fart in the closet so I got the humidifier going and it’s looking good. Went from 22% to 38% humidity in ~1 hour. pH, water temp and EC/PPM all seemed high so I added ~0.5 mL of pH Down that brought the levels to 5.4 (too low). I added ~2 cups of Brita filtered water (water was getting low anyway) before I went to bed from the fridge that helped raise the pH, lower the EC/PPM, and the temp by a few degrees as well. In an attempt to cool the water down a bit over night, I took the “cap” off of the Aerogarden reservoir to let the water ‘breath’ while the light was off between 2 am and 6 am – that did not work... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 4 - 04/03/2022 Water temp remains high at around 28 c. I replaced about 1/3 of the tank with new water and added ~1ml of Miracle Grow. Didn't effect the water temp at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 6 - 04/05/2022 Levels appear the same. Tomorrow I’ll change the water out and start adding FloraMicro, FloraGrow and FloraBloom with some CaliMagic. Might pick up some Root inoculate of sorts or at least some preventative root rot formula – better safe than sorry. I’ll have to start seriously taking care of the water temp as well. Having it always around the 30 degree mark is not good. On a side note, I inadvertently found a great way to bump up humidity and air temp quickly: add boiling/hot water to the humidifier. My humidifier ran out of water over night while I was asleep. At 6:30 am I was lucky enough to notice since the humidifier rattles when empty. Humidity was down to 38% at that point. I went back to bed, woke up at 8:30 and it was down to 28%. As luck would have it, there was some left over boiling water on the stove in a kettle and I needed something easy to pour with. I checked back 30 minutes later and the air humidity/temp was up to 60% / 30 C respectively. Perfect conditions for our little lady to get big and strong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 7 - 04/06/2022 First water exchange went smoothly. This was also the first time I added nutrients other than the NutriGrow formula. I mixed everything together in 16 cups of water. NOTE TO SELF: 16 cups is not enough for 1.1 gallons! I had to add another 5 cups of water/nutrients to get the water volume right. I added a bit of NutriGrow only in the last 5 cups with ~1mL of pH down (didn’t measure; kept applying in small doses until pH was around 6). Excited to see how she reacts to her tasty new treats! 😀 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Used method
Peat Pellet
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
320 PPM
65 %
28 °C
27 °C
4 L
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.132 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.132 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.066 mll
Day 8 😃 Big first step adding the GHE nutrient solution to the water. Will keep an eye on the progress in hopes I didn't add too much/little. Water temp is always around 28 - 29 so I hope the air stone I added along with the built in pump helps keep the oxygen at a decent level. As the roots grow, I plan to move the air stone to the vicinity of the most concentrated root growth. I'll also need to get proactive and find a root inoculate (root rot remover) that doesn't break the bank for if/when I might need it (fertilizer prices nowadays am I right?!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 9 😀 Turned off the fan and humidifier overnight to see what the readings would be in the morning. Humidity hovered around 50% according to the security cam and the temp never dipped below 27. Good to know for the flowering stage or if I want to use the same closet as a dry room for post harvest cultivating. Turned the fan and humidifier back on and the temp/humidity went back to what it was yesterday in about 25 minutes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 10 😐 Started noticing some yellow spotting and edges on the two original fan leaves. The others appear fine with regards to colour, but they also appear to be a little stunted or are having a growth issue. Reduced the water temp by adding ice cubes which in turn lowers the PPM. Hoping this helps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 11 😟 The yellow has been accompanied by some brown. My thoughts are that it might be nutrient deficiency due to pH lockout, nutrient burn as I put too much in and this is just a baby autoflower, or water temp too high - take your pick! I siphoned about ¾ of the water out about 4 cups at a time while adding some Brita filtered tap water in hopes that maybe it might be the chlorine from the tap water that was causing some problems. This adjusted the pH while lowering the PPM so lets see what happens. pH was always a bit on the high side so I thought I’d try keeping it between 5.5 and 6.0 to see if that has any effect. I picked up some Cannazym in anticipation of the hot water temps leading to bacterial problems in the reservoir. I've adjusted all the nutrients levels by dividing my original numbers by 4 in an attempt to estimate the amount of nutrients left in the water after semi-flushing the reservoir. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 12 😟 Yellow/brown action seems to have stalled slightly after yanking all the nutes out of the water. The two original leaves look done for; but we’ll see if she can recover. They’re really hard and stiff to the touch. Hoping it doesn’t spread or happen to any new leaf development. Keeping the pH between 5.5 and 6 while flushing most of the nutrients from the water. I continue to siphon/top-up with cold Brita filtered water or ice cubes and balance the pH as needed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 13 😕 I think I might have halted the nute burn; or at least slowed it down. It hasn’t gotten any worse or spread as quickly or with such volume. The time it took for the first leaves to become ~70% yellow with some serious looking rust (roughly 24 hours) leads me to believe the newer leaves will be fine - as long as I don’t repeat the same mistake - too much nutrients; far too early. The sharp edges and rigidness of the effected leaves appears to be going away as they move and flex a bit more when touched. Growth appears to be all over the place. It looks like the recent large leaves are a tad deformed and new growth around the stem is super compressed (almost certainly due to the nutrient burn). I switched the light cycle to 24 hours for the night to try and burn off any extra nutrients (does it even work that way?). Hoping tomorrow has better news in store *fingers crossed* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 14 New growth is starting again. Older leafes continue to get worse but the rate at which it's happening has slowed down. New water change this morning with 4ml of nutrigrow and 1 ml of CalMag. pH is at 5.8. If new growth stops or starts rusting I'll flush again without hesitation.
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Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
300 PPM
65 %
28 °C
27 °C
4 L
Nutrients 1
AeroGarden Liquid Nutrients - Miracle-Gro
AeroGarden Liquid Nutrients 0.925 mll
Week 2 | Day 14 I think I might have stopped the nute burn - or at least slowed it down. It hasn’t gotten any worse or spread as quickly and in such volume. The time it took for the first leaves to become ~70% yellow with some serious looking rust leads me to believe the newer leaves should be fine; as long as I don’t repeat the same mistake (too much nutrients; far too early). The sharp edges and rigidness of the effected leaves appears to be going away as they move and flex a bit more when touched and remain somewhat soft. However, growth appears all over the place. It seems like the recent large leaves are deformed and any new growth around the stem is super compressed - almost certainly due to the nutrient burn. She sorta reminds me of Ephialtes from 300 at this point so I’ll affectionately call her Ephy for now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 2 | Day 15 Any leaves with yellow and rust have stopped getting worse. Seems like they have a tiny bit of bend to them as well. All new growth is looking fine except for the fact that they’re growing at stunted rate and at peculiar angles. Added about 6 ice cubes this morning. PPM went up from about 300 to 400 as well and pH from 5.5 to 5.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 2 | Day 16 Observe and report kinda day. New leaf growth continues but stem growth is next to zero. It’s getting really cramped and new leaves need help finding spots to grow. All new leaves eventually tend to take on more nitrogen just like the older ones. If yellow appears within 2 days, rusted edges appear shortly after. Hopefully that stops soon but it’s pretty consistent. Not sure how long this will last but we’ll see... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 2 | Day 19 She’s still tiny but I’m starting to see more consistent green growth then the yellow/rust take over. New growth seems to be coming quickly and stem growth is catching up so perhaps the plant will absorb a lot of the access nutrients left over from my last debacle. With all that being said, the problem might still just be warm water for all I know. Yellow continues to creep in after a day or two for any new growth. Last three days I did nothing. Checked the pH and that’s it. Hovering around 6. Everything else remains the same ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 2 | Day 20 New growth continues consistently. Yellow starting to creep in a bit but I still believe it has to do with access nutrients remaining within the plants system (that or the water res temp). Not very rigid or having new leave tips curl upward which is an improvement over the previously effected growth. I’ve done some LST on the main stalk as its stunted growth had it growing at strange angles and was compressing up pretty bad. It’s now pointing straight up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
300 PPM
65 %
28 °C
27 °C
4 L
Nutrients 5
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.264 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.264 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.132 mll
Week 3 | Day 21 Water change day. Very cautious with my nutes this time around. I picked up some Chlorine/Chloramine remover in case that was an issue. Yellow is still around but I’m noticing less purple in the petioles. It’s spread out a bit, but yellow doesn’t effect all leaves equally, same for rusted edges and curling. I think she’s doing her best to fight through whatever I did to her and it’s kinda working(?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 3 | Day 22 No drastic changes after adding the new water a nutrient mix. This is a good thing. Taking picture and staying watch. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 3 | Day 23 New and recent leaves all look pretty good; shape and growth wise. Roots like great (#FFFFFF maxed out white) so that's good. Yellow is creeping but not in a super rapid fashion, but it’s noticeable. Added roughly 1 cup of Brita filtered water this morning as both the pH and water level were getting low in the reservoir. That was the biggest dip in water level I’ve seen in one day btw. Plant must be thirsty which is good sign. Took a calculated risk and added about 2.5 mL of CaliMagic since the leaves were starting to turn yellow and some tips were starting to crisp up again. Looks much more like a slow deficiency of magnesium than burn this time. I’ll give it 2 or 3 days to see if it helped or made things worse. Really hoping this helps as I'm not sure how many more F ups she can take
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homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
nice grow and nice genetics
McManuscommentedweek 13 years ago
Wish you all the best lucky growing😍
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 33 years ago
Those leafs look like iron some strands need more or less of certain elements..ii see u gave some cal mag. Chk if it has iron most do..also chk ph of soil or medium..good luck
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 33 years ago
Nutrient lockout will cause leaf curling an yellowing is a link this will help ....
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 33 years ago
Manganese/iron or sulfer along with ph chk
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