09MAY D40
Really not finding time for the the two times a day I need these girls. I will try and get them through to the end for sure. But these have definitely gone to the back burner in terms of attention.
12MAY D43
Okay. This is getting annoying now. LOL! Will only grow in 11 liter (3 gallon) pots or bigger now. Always wanted to be able to say I successfully grew in a 1 liter… and I should be able to do that after this. But this damn lazy grower will never do this again! Hahaha!
Hope your girls are growing well! 😎💨🌱
@Inganjawetrust, good call boss! Yep, definitely lollipopped the shit out of them so they drink less. Hope your health is on the up and up this summer!
Other than the occasional runt that I don't want to waste soil on I usually go with 5gal sacks. The one I did in Coco and perlite was only in a 2 gal sack but that was different because I was using the bottled nutes.
@Inganjawetrust, thx man! I fkd up my last 1 liter grow… hopefully I learned something from that. Have you ever grown in a small pot before? Below 3 gallons?
@Inganjawetrust, maaaan… if only things were cheap in this country! Lol! You’re a fellow lazy grower… and you did warn me about this 1L try! Shoulda listened! Hehe!
@McManus, thanks man! I'll copy paste my replies to all your copy pasted comments on all my diaries. Fair is fair right? 😂 Hope you are able to farm all the likes you require!