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Diary R Critical & blu cheese auto!!!!

3 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
7 l
Pot Size
0.6 l
Grow Conditions
Week 2
12 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
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Grow Questions
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Consigliate qualche prodotto per la prima crescita e per la fase vegetativa?
Feeding. Schedule
HerbalEduanswered grow question 3 years ago
nutrients brands like biobizz or bio canna are great and simple to start with.
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
hello guys, how are they? can I help them in any way?
Setup. Outdoor
Disn00fanswered grow question 3 years ago
Looking like they are off to a healthy start. They will follow the sun and stretch towards it. When this happens turn the pots 180 degrees. Best of luck the rest of the way.
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
hello everyone, the second week is about to end, they are getting 0 sun since it has been raining for 3 days, they spend most of the day "20h" at home under a skylight, I hope the sun will come back soon 😬how do you find them?ciaoooo
Other. General questions
Bootleg16answered grow question 3 years ago
I find them looking great
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao amici,come mai tende a essere così verso il basso? È normale?
Leaves. Dropping off
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
I don't think you have anything to worry about! Your diary doesn't tell us, though, how much water you're giving her... the drooping could be either from overwatering or underwatering! I would advise you to think about that particular issue - both over- and under-watering can cause lots of problems. I'm also absolutely stunned she's only getting 4 hours of light... is this a mistake in your diary? If you can, move her to where she'll get the maximum amount of sunlight there is during the day! If your weather is not the best, as you mention, and if she's in a pot (which your diary doesn't mention), you might bring her inside on cloudy days and give her some grow lights to help her along. That won't be needed as she gets older but for now, it might just do the trick. Good luck! Keep us posted!
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao ragazzi, stasera volevo iniziare con un po' di pappe... potete andare 2ml di biogrow e 1ml di biobiz per un litro e mezzo d'acqua?!? Mi hai consigliato di iniziare lentamente e vedere come reagiscono, può iniziare? grazie e buon fine settimana a tutti
Feeding. Schedule
Fayah_Burnanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey mate! As i use BioBizz nute's i can tell you right away that 2ml of BioGrow is not to be considered Babyfood anymore! If it is for a autoflower i would say that is BigBoyFood! In the Biobizz schedual you use 1ml for every liter of water with AllMix and 2ml with LightMix. Don't know what soil you are using but anyway, i would start with somewhere between 0.5ml and 1ml. Dont understand what the second Nute is you were referring to by "biobiz" if you can be more exact i can tell you what i think about.. 🤔 Since the plants are so small i guess you are not talking about BioBloom nor Top max.. so you are most probably talking about BioHeaven or ActiVera right? Those two you can use in more abundance.. start with 1ml and go up until 2ml per liter of water.. Since i started using BioBizz Nutrients i've never used EC and PH pens, got them sitting in a drawer waiting for defloration 😂 Main rule is don't overdue it, it's better to go a bit lower then the chart indicates and prevent overdoses and build up's Good luck 🍀 and happy growing ✌️
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
hello friends, how do you find them 21 days? i started with 1ml of biogrow yesterday
Other. General questions
1 like
WeedManiacLoveanswered grow question 3 years ago
Recuerda alimentar con Biogrow solo una vez por semana, y medir pH y TDS del agua del riego. Va muy bien, felicitaciones. Buenos humos!💪
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Mai visto dormire così una pianta!!!
Other. General questions
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WeedManiacLoveanswered grow question 3 years ago
Es normal que con la luz apagada tome ese aspecto. Preocúpate si con la luz encendida sigue asi... Buenos humos!💪
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao amici,ecco iniziare la terza settimana, consigli? Come le trovate ?
Other. Other
WeedManiacLoveanswered grow question 3 years ago
Muy bien me contenta ver que ha crecido mucho y muy saludable!! Sigue asi. Si la tienes cultivando en exterior, te recomiendo usar algo para evitar las plagas, yo utilizo aceite de neem con jabón potásico y también tierra de diatomeas. Va super bien, felicitaciones!👌
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao amici,che dite? Aumento un po' i nutrienti? Applico 2ml di bio.grow per litro 1/2 volte a settimana...quando iniziò con il bio Bloom?
Other. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
looks perfect to me growmie , usually the store bought medium will be amended with nutrients that take about 5 weeks to deplete , so you can start feeding with half of the nutrients starting end of next week or week after next. But start at around 0.5ml with veg nutes and use about 1/2 (half) of the prescribed dose of the flower nutrients when you start using those. you want to avoid overfeeding issues. Every week afterwards just increase the nutrients by 0.2 or some other small amount until you reach the vendor prescribed dose or the plant just starts showing signs of buning at the tips, then reduce back to the previous and maintain that level. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao amici, sapete dirmi cosa può essere? Devo preoccuparmi? Sembra stare bene ed è l unica foglia macchiata,può essere dovuta a dell' acqua per sbaglio caduta sopra ? Grazie
Leaves. Color - Black or grey
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CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 3 years ago
hey there Karalis, this is just some small flying bugs that landed on your plant and hopefully left afterwards, nothing to worry about , normally. just make sure by checking the underside of the leafs for microscopic eggs or larvae, but normally you're okay. these things just happen outside sometimes. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao amici,un altra settimana sta per terminare i prefiori sono sempre più grandi, inizio con il Bloomgrow lunedì? Continuo a dare anche il biogrow? O aggiungo solo bio per fioritura? Cosa consigliate...grazie mille 😁
Feeding. Other
GreenOrganicGermanyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Bei Biobizz müssen während der Blüte sowohl BioGrow als auch BioBloom verabreicht werden👍 Vereinfacht gesagt fütterst du mit Biobizz die Mikroorganismen in der Erde. Bakterien lieben Zucker. Der ist in BioGrow in Form von Melasse reichlich enthalten. Diesen verarbeiten die Bakterien. So erzeugst du einen ausgewogenen Mikrokosmos in deiner Erde, welcher deine Pflanze letztendlich mit N P und K versorgt.🤤
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao, inizio settimana 6,i fiori crescono sempre di più e sembra andare tutto bene, anche il problema con gli insetti sembra passato, avete consigli per questa fase di crescita ? Grazie mille
Setup. Outdoor
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Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
The plant looks fine. The only tip I could give you at this stage is to start lowering your grow nute and increasing your bloom nute as the plant is going to need less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium. Good luck.👍
Karalis89started grow question 3 years ago
Ciao amici,un consiglio,secondo voi quanto manca alla raccolta? Io pensavo ancora 7/10. Giorni
Other. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
Your trichomes don't look amber yet - but you really need to get a closer look at them. They sell fairly inexpensive jewler's loupes which would do the job for you.... When the trichomes are about 30% amber is when you're going to want to harvest... Maybe another 2-3 weeks! Good luck!

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GrowingGranniecommentedweek 13 years ago
Just wanted to duck in here with a comment as I saw you had had a question about nutrients a while back. No matter what nutrient line you choose, autos don't like/don't need nutes for at least the first couple of weeks. I usually start my nutes about week 2.5 to week 3 and then only 1/4 the recommended dose. If they respond well, then the next week I up it to 1/2 and then full... always monitor them to make sure they're tolerating the feed! Around week 4, you should start introducing bloom nutes as they will be getting into pre-flower. Good luck with your grow! You're doing everything the right way so far - and asking questions which will help!
HerbalEducommented3 years ago
@Karalis89, they don't need bio bloom until preflower are showing, give only some biogrow (amount depending if your soil is enriched or not, check answer to your latest question) start biobloom when you'll see the first preflower.
Karalis89commented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie,ciao e grazie del tempo che dedichi ad cercare di aiutarmi,per ora non sto dando nulla come nutrienti solo acqua,inizierò tra qualche giorno che dici? Le piante sono uscite dalla terra l 11 di questo mese...mi piace sperimentare ma è sempre meglio chiedere ai più esperti 😁
McManuscommentedweek 03 years ago
Wish you all the best lucky growing😍
Karalis89commented3 years ago
@McManus,grazie amico
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
JamesBarrecommentedweek 03 years ago
Je te souhaite bonne chance avec ta culture 🌱👍🤞
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 33 years ago
hey there, hope i answered your question, anything else you need just let me know 👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Karalis89, the joys of growing outdoors growmie, nothing to worry about 😅👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Karalis89, just tag me when there's an update growmie, no problem 😉👊
Karalis89commented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow,ciao amico, grazie per la tua disponibilità,per ora continuo con biogrow 2ml per un litro abbondante di acqua,ti chiederò consiglio per quando iniziare con il Bloom per i fiori 🤩🤩
CrazyHorsecommentedweek 33 years ago
Looks nice 👌 Happy growing mate 😇 💪 🙏
HerbalEducommentedweek 13 years ago
All good, keep it up 😃
auto_floocommentedweek 63 years ago
Looking good 👍🏼
auto_floocommented3 years ago
@Karalis89,keep up the good work 👍🏼
Karalis89commented3 years ago
@auto_floo,ciao e grazie, se hai consigli sono ben accetti💪
Kynarethcommentedweek 13 years ago
nice grow and nice genetics
Karalis89commented3 years ago
@Kynareth,grazie amico
Fredddcommentedweek 83 years ago
@Karalis89, I see you ask a lot of questions so I have a feeling that next grow you should try an eazy pyramid mini, they fit on a 5 inch saucer and will grow about 60-90g under lights. I have done a couple of grows with these which you can examine, as you see they produce a very high quality of bud.