Getting bushier much faster than I expected compared to my last grow with only LST training versus topping this time.
I had to move them from the smaller 4x4 tent into the bigger closet..
@Cyrusdavirus, 😹 yeah she knows she's not suppose to touch it - she's only allowed to look - she slowly reached out & touched it, then looked at me like uh-oh I'm in trouble?!
@@@David369, exactly😂. Nothing like a good variety of calm, energizing, colors, smells - hopefully the sprinkles (trichomes) will be abundant😁
Thanks, I only use nursery cloth bags for the babies, I definitely won't get root rot & nice air for their roots to grow fast.
@Ratch33, ohh you're fine, you take care of you first. No biggie if you don't have time, I didn't expect anyone to reach out like that, I appreciate it. I'm lagging behind too. I have pics & videos just need to post.
4ft = 1,2m ∴ Should work out Perfectly!!
My girls are exactly 1,0m tall - into week 7 of reproductive. I'll update my diary soon!! I'm going to try my upmost best to draught a proper visual guide on how I go about my training. Sorry for taking so long to respond. I'll try to be more active. Hope all is well my buddy!
@Ratch33, I'm looking to keep these around 4ft tall (to keep under fence height). Want to get them to a diameter of 3+ft. Looking to keep them like a bush.
I spotted the kitty! Is it ok to let cat's on top of the tent like that? My cat Rascal wants up there bad but I block it with plastic plant trays and tissue boxes for fear of him knocking the whole thing over. Surprised he hasn't tried climbing it yet... 😄
@@@David369, thank you. It makes it much easier for me to grow with more areas. I'm starting garden vegetables as well so I have extra space to easily access.
@@@David369, I was hesitant to let them up there at first as well because of the exhaust fans (blades & kitty paws). I put charcoal filters sheets on the exhaust so it's kitty safe, just incase.
The tents are so big that they wouldn't fall over unless you have a tiger 🐅😂. They're both rated to hold over a 100lbs & there's only about 15lbs in lights & fans hanging inside. There's no air intake up there, the intake near the floors are covered with a filter screen as well so no hair winds up in there.
I used to block it as well but I gave in. So far she's the only one that's been up there that I have ever seen.
@Bullfrog39, Sweet I'll check it out.
I've had several different GSC buds from various places & they all were a little different from each other... Time to see what pheno I have
@Jay84lawrence, thank you so much! I'm always constantly learning too from personal mistakes & others triumphs. So many bright ideas & techniques from everyone on here
@Cyrusdavirus, thanks. They started out a little rough - stretching, due to the inferior light. But I buried them a little deeper & they'll sprout roots out the sides.