The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Cream Autoflower

3 years ago
Room Type
Inside Overnight
weeks 1-3
weeks 15
Top Dressing
weeks 2
weeks 2-5
“Rolling with the Punches”
weeks 5
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Grow medium
Bat and Seabird Guano, Kelp Meal, Boogie Black, Earthworm Castings, Bone Meal, Neem Cake, Azomite, Humates, Iron Sulfate, Green Sand, Oyster Shells, Dolomite Lime, Diatomaceous Earth
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
3 years ago
Nutrients 3
Epsom Salt 3.963 mll
Plant Enzymes - Humboldts Secret
Plant Enzymes 0.264 mll
TPS One - True Plant Science (TPS)
TPS One 1.981 mll
This is my first autoflower, I was given these 3 seeds by Grower’s Choice as the freebie for my order. I don’t have any more real estate in my tent, so I will be carrying her inside for the nights, and back outside during the day. I’ve got her in a 3 gallon fabric pot. I watered in the seed with a solution of Epsom Salts, Enzymes, and Hydrogen Peroxide @ a pH of 6, and I previously inoculated the media with TPS One, even though that is not it’s purpose, I figured it would help to add a little easy phosphate. The design of soil is more concentrated with amendments towards the bottom, hopefully just water and maybe a top dressing. But it’s a water-only setup. (Potentially)
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
1.27 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
18 PPM
10 %
18 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
I was beginning to wonder if I had messed something up, it was 6 days and still no sign! It was a direct sowing, so there really isn’t any way to check it without disturbing it. Kind of the whole reason for a direct sow I guess. Anyways, she’s up! Must have broke ground overnight. She will be coming inside for the nights as they are down into the low 30s! (F) She spends her days outside and receives a little extra light while she is indoors for the night. Eventually I plan to stop bringing her in for the nights, about the time she starts to flower. Or at least that’s my plan. I am watering with plain RO water: ppm of 18 at pH of 7. I made a sort of tapered super soil mix in her 3gal. The idea is to feed a lot less. I started off the germ with a feed so I think we are okay for now while I rehydrate the outer perimeter of the pot.
Used techniques
Inside Overnight
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
4.19 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
18 PPM
10 %
18 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
Day 8- She is doing good! Top dressed the outer perimeter with approx 1/2 tsp of Neem Cake (6-1-2). Watering with plain RO water. Day 14- First LST Tie-Down
Used techniques
Inside Overnight
Top Dressing
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
1.52 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
18 PPM
10 %
18 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
Day 15 Smooth sailing so far! I’m happy with her progress, and excited to see her potential. I think I really like autoflowers :) 💪
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Used techniques
Inside Overnight
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
18 PPM
10 %
18 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 1
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
I did her second tie-down on day 22 actually. Day 24- I’m okay with the fan leaf laying on the surface for *now.* Just because I live in a high, dry desert with a consistent RH at around 20-25%. And also, because the top quarter inch of soil is dry. However I will probably be propping it up with something tomorrow morning. Day 25- finally I decided to fold down the rim of the pot for more light!
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
15.24 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
18 PPM
10 %
18 °C
21 °C
18 °C
3 L
Nutrients 2
Liquid Karma - Botanicare
Liquid Karma 1.585 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.528 mll
Day 29, Too many bugs! Mini grasshoppers and one of those leaf tunneling bugs, as well as a respiratory bug within myself! I’ve taken care of the bug inside myself, now time for the Diatomaceous Earth!!!! And to get that bug out of that leaf! Still feeding a little cal mag. I think it’s necessary. Day 31 - Day 1F Going to ramp it up from 1mg to 3mg per Gal of CalMag OAC. I will top dress something special, maybe the mother earth acid mix, or maybe I will do a seabird guano with insect frass and top it off with an Epsom Salt solution feed. I’m trying to practice using less of a branded store-bought approach. But to source everything is so much easier out of a store bought package, so for now, I might just do a small amount of seabird and insect frass, maybe just a super small sprinkle on the soil surface, not in water. Day 5 of flower: and WTF is up with this foul weather. Only 46 degrees Fahrenheit! (7.8 C) Cloudy with 15-20 mph winds. Gonna drop to 29 tonight… this is ridiculous. I don’t have access to the tent at this time, so it’s cold weather today. I could bring her inside where it’s warmer, and there is no light! Or those house lights put out only a few candelas worth, not exactly light for a plant. Do she would just stretch and go hungry inside. I’m leaving her outside. Bringing her in over night obviously! But not much growth is expected. Just gotta roll with the punches. I thought we were flowering this week, but barely small preflower development. So this is switched back to a Veg week.
Used techniques
“Rolling with the Punches”
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
18 PPM
10 %
18 °C
21 °C
18 °C
3 L
Nutrients 2
Liquid Karma - Botanicare
Liquid Karma 1.585 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.528 mll
I don’t know why I had this understanding that an autoflower wouldn’t Veg past 30 days. That couldn’t be more inaccurate! It’s a relief because for the past week I have been scratching my head. However today, day 39, she is obviously putting out clusters of pistils everywhere. Plus the top growing point isn’t putting out another Two-Fan-Leaf-Node kinda thing, but instead a bulging cluster of new growth with many pistils. Now it’s obvious. So I will mark today, day 39, as Day 1 of Flower. Wahooo!! 🌺🌹
Grow Questions
LoganatorDudestarted grow question 3 years ago
How long do Autoflowers Veg for? I think mine is not an autoflower. Maybe it’s not even cream auto? Like the seedbank I got it from put random seeds in. The packaging clearly says Cream Autoflower, but it’s still in Veg by week 6.
Other. Other
Plant. Other
DoctorGreenThumbanswered grow question 3 years ago
Can still be an autoflower. Autoflowers seem to veg longer outdoors. I grew an LSD-25 Auto and it started to spit pistols week 8. Cheers!
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
180 PPM
10 %
18 °C
21 °C
18 °C
3 L
Nutrients 3
Liquid Karma - Botanicare
Liquid Karma 0.793 mll
TPS One - True Plant Science (TPS)
TPS One 0.793 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.528 mll
Blue Black x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino x Ruderalis 70I-20S-10R I shouldn’t have fed her. I figured she might want a lil something extra, but the result is her leaves are all folding up. I think that’s a sign of heat stress, but also I’ve read that it could possibly be slightly heavy on the nutes. Like, different than tip burn or a toxicity of something, but I think just overall a little to strong for her liking kinda thing. Would explain a lot, seeing as the Berry next day after feeding, in the cold morning and all day, her leaves have been folded up like heat stress.
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
34 °C
180 PPM
10 %
18 °C
26 °C
18 °C
11 L
Blue Black x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino x Ruderalis 70I-20S-10R I suppose I could have done a lot more training, but oh well. She’s doing pretty good, I wasn’t expecting her to grow this much. Flowering feels slow to me, but honestly it’s still early. Maybe it’s just the small compact nature of her buds that I’m noticing. Still as you can tell, we are barely getting into our third week. Some mornings when it’s significantly cooler and I am looking at her, I will notice signs of heat stress! As odd as that is as it’s probably only 60-65 F or even up to about 75 later in the day, her leaves would fold up as if it were too hot. After doing some reading, it’s possible this is a sign from too much food. Would make sense as she kind of started up after I fed her. I hope I added enough kelp and potash for this heat. I am noticing subtle signs of a potassium deficiency in a few leaves. As I’d expect with temps pushing a subjective 100+ Fahrenheit in the direct sun!!! At high elevation the sun is hot!
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
32 °C
180 PPM
7 %
18 °C
26 °C
18 °C
11 L
Blue Black x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino x Ruderalis 70I-20S-10R So far no nutrients in the water as of yet. Starting to stink around day 19 of flower. Nice smooth skunky smell. Not exactly skunk. But smooth and sweet. Heat is not as bad but still pretty bad. pH is good. No visible signs of pests* or pathogens. *pests* little fruit fly looking bugs that don’t land but hover around. And a tiny spider trying to catch them. Web production from this spider has been extremely minimal, and when present, only existing connecting from leaf tip to leaf tip; On the fan leaf tips furthest away from the center. I haven’t removed the spider as it appears as an overwhelmingly insignificant problem, in fact: maybe a potential deterrent from other unwanted pests, like a protector/guardian. Either way I easily clear away any webs with my hands without even feeling or noticing anything. I think in the video, he is blurred out of focus on a leaf tip. Anyways. If the lil arachnid gets closer in towards the buds, I might consider moving him, but he is literally staying all the way to the outside perimeter of the plant. He is very considerate.
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
25.91 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
156 PPM
7 %
18 °C
26 °C
18 °C
11 L
Blue Black x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino x Ruderalis 70I-20S-10R Yeah, I’m not used to varieties that put out really tiny buds. Also I learned about bracts and that I falsely refer to bracts as calyxes. But yeah, she is slow with tiny bracts. A subtle smooth flavor/aroma. Can’t really put my finger on it, but I like it. Day 70. That smooth sweet smell is coming through more. A sweet fruity smell with undertones of almost a vanilla type of cream. Maybe the name was inspired by the smell?
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
31.75 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
156 PPM
7 %
18 °C
26 °C
12 °C
11 L
It’s hard sometimes, resisting the urge to feed her with her waterings. But I’m by now it’s gotten much easier. I wasn’t able to do the entire grow with plain water, and maybe that was better. I can’t help but wonder if the small buds is from a lack of food or if it’s just genetics. I can’t necessarily say lack of food if I study all her leaf tips. After noticing very minimal, yet noticeable, signs of tip burn, I feel confident saying she is getting lots of food. Wether or not it was the right ratio of food is another question. Maybe there wasn’t enough phosphates? Just because there isn’t a deficiency, doesn’t mean the plant couldn’t have been able to utilized more. I might come to find these tiny super dense buds.
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
33.02 cm
15 hrs
27 °C
156 PPM
7 %
18 °C
26 °C
13 °C
11 L
Slowly but surely, her buds are becoming more compact. The smell is gradually increasing, while still maintaining this overall smooth sweet almost velvety smell. If that makes any sense. There is a subtle tropical note coming through. Smells as though I’m about to take a sip of a pina colada. Maybe while sitting beneath a spruce tree. Day 80, she is starting to smell a little stronger, and reminiscent of green apples!
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
33.02 cm
15 hrs
30 °C
156 PPM
34 %
18 °C
26 °C
12 °C
11 L
Her pot has been drying out really fast! I’m almost watering her twice a day but not quite. If I water her in the morning, she is dry by the evening. So then I water her at the evening and then she is dry my noon the following day. Water at noon, then she is good until the next morning and the cycle repeats. She has been receiving plain water still. And smelling predominately of sour green apple candy. However it’s still not the most pungent, I often find myself needing to get my nose right up to the buds in order to really smell them. Or if I touch the buds of course.
Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
35.56 cm
14 hrs
26 °C
156 PPM
60 %
18 °C
23 °C
11 °C
11 L
It’s been raining a lot this past couple weeks. The past 4 days I’ve been keeping her out of the rain, allowing her to dry up. Watching her do some last minute ripening. Lots of once clear sections have clouded up nicely. I’ve determined to chop her today, the last day of her life. Day 103 and 65 of those days were flowering. The last two weeks consisted of foxtail development instead of bud density. She has completely foxtailed every bud. Hard to see on the plant, but once it’s chopped and trimmed, the bizarre structure will be revealed. Smells good though. Smells like a cross between a green apple candy and the sweet subtleties of fresh fertile earth, with an undertone of a classic fresh cannabis smell. Light and refreshing on the nose.
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Used techniques
Week 15. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I’ll start with the plant itself. Definitely vigorous vegetative growth, more than I expected. I used a super soil mix that made growing her very easy. She was very tight and dense with her branches and nodes, resulting in the negative consequence of having lots of internal congestion from the leaves alone. Hence raising the potential demand for some defoliation. The weather was mostly a nice desert dry type of RH that helped manage her congestion, along with the days being windy all the time. There were times I began to get concerned with the rainy weather. So as she got further in flower I ended up doing a decent amount of defoliation. Additionally she didn’t appear to be ripening up until the very end! As well as a final boogie woogie on some foxtails. The buds themselves upon harvest still smell predominantly sweet like that of a green apple flavored candy, with a very subtle musky undertone with a reminiscence of that classy cannabis smell. Overall she has a subtle but extremely sweet and smooth tone. Best describes as a green apple. The smell almost leans to a floral or peppery as opposed to a cheesy or skunky. But non of those are present. Just a sweet, almost green apple smell.
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Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
I am going to Hang dry with the entire plant so I will not have wet weight. But yeah dry weight coming soon!


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Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
nice grow and nice genetics
LoganatorDudecommented3 years ago
@Kynareth, thanks, I am looking forward to it
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
the end.
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Cream Autoflower Cream Autoflower
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