Did more LST training this week. Pulled lower branches out to get some light and tied them down so all branches are roughly equal to the main stem. 5 main growth tips and 3 more smaller ones all at the same level.
This is a very bushy plant. I will probably have to do a little defoliation next week. I had to remove one major fan leaf from the top since it was blocking the 3 smaller growth tips and couldn't tuck it out of the way.
I whacked the soil surface with a quick spray of raid last week to knock down the fungus gnat adult population. They were driving me nuts.... crawling all over the soil. Since adults can live 4 weeks and the mosquito dunks only deal with lava, I didn't want to deal my house full of gnats for the next month. The infestation was really bad. Since knocking down the adults, I haven't seen a single gnat all week.
This strain is stinky. This is the first pot plant I've grown that smells like a pot plant in the veg stage. While tying down for LST my wife mentioned that she could smell the plant when she was in the other room. As soon as this goes into flower I will have to put this into my tent and turn on the carbon filter. She is going to be stinky.