So I had to snap the main stems on these untopped girls. They literally doubled in height this past week and were starting to peak over the wall. So lots of stretch with these as expected. Some pink pistols from a bit of cold weather too. I’m really happy with these so far. Leaf stem rub smells promising. Just watering this week and thinking about adding some powdered cal mag next week. I’m loosing some lower leaves to yellowing. Not too worried at this point, might not of added enough nitrogen this year or could of been the cricket hummus shocked things a little. Not sure but I’ll definitely add more cow and sheep manure for next grow. Cheers.
Hey buddy.. If possible use a soft blue light at night simulate the moon.. Some hi end grow lights incorporate a night/dark time light.. If the container has drain holes don't worry about wet just don't water any more let it dry out and cold is good for some strands..especially flowering time
Have fun
Stay safe
@Bigbeans,..thanks and respect to you my friend. Yes mountain life different.. Day /night is real 🤔difference in temperature.. And when it rains oh man it pours.. I remember in jamaica.. Thunder storm in mountains causes major flooding at bottom of mountain.. At the bottom it's like a raging river.... Lots of people get washed away every year.. I almost did.. .. I love up in the mountains the air is sooo crisp and clean.. Blessing 2u my friend..Have fun
Stay safe
@JamMAKEcan, yes mate, I use the lights at night just to keep them in veg, where I live it’s really hot in the day but cool at night I’m high up in the mountains and in the tropics so plants just go straight into flower without the lights on at night, there’s always 11-13 hrs of night or day depending on time of year. I find if it dip much below 8c wet is not good. But now it’s 37c today and I’m more concerned with the heat, night temps are in the teens now and should be that way for the rest of the season so hope I’m good. I just separated everything today and added some more perlite to help with the drainage. Hope your grows go good mate, I seen you grew a tomato in the glades, that is impressive man, I lived in Tampa for a few years back in the day could only grow tomato in the winter haha. Bless mate happy growing 🌱🌱🌱