Apr 27th - PH water 5.9, EC 0.2, Temp of water was 29C to puff up peat cubes, extra water was poured off after 15 minutes. seeds were then directly put into Peat Cubes. Plastic cover on and heat mat under tray. 24hrs seeds were popping
Looks like issues in the root zone. Test your runoff. I would bet the ph is in the 4.5-5 range. This will affect the uptake of nutrients the plants need in flower.
Thanks Kush-queen, DoctorGreenThumb, and StaresAtPlants for your answers. Seems like the leaves come from both top and middle of plant. Run off is 5.4, 5.5, & 5.7 for the different trays. PH going in is 6.0. Plants get watered with RO water every night, I run 6.0 PH, temp 23 EC between 05 - 1 or 500 - 1000. Get plenty of runoff.