Watering every night manually for 25 - 5 Gallon fabric pots is still a drag. When its a water night I bring EC up to 0.4 with cal/mag since I'm using RO water. Tonight I had a little feed water diluted so EC was 0.5 going in and run off was 0.7 EC. Gorilla glue lemon fire seems to need less food then the others. On a Feed night I'd like 0.9 or 900 -EC going in and not much difference in run off. Week 3 in Flower and today June 22 they are 50 days old.
Looks like issues in the root zone. Test your runoff. I would bet the ph is in the 4.5-5 range. This will affect the uptake of nutrients the plants need in flower.
Thanks Kush-queen, DoctorGreenThumb, and StaresAtPlants for your answers. Seems like the leaves come from both top and middle of plant. Run off is 5.4, 5.5, & 5.7 for the different trays. PH going in is 6.0. Plants get watered with RO water every night, I run 6.0 PH, temp 23 EC between 05 - 1 or 500 - 1000. Get plenty of runoff.