Day 78 - If the stretch ain't done, I got problemos 😐
Day 79 - Watered her tonight with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6 ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.5
Day 80 - Got the light up enough last night that I should be good throughout the grow now that the stretch has pretty much stopped. Time to defoliate and tie back a bit for maximum exposure
Day 81 - Watered her tonight with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Tiger Bloom and .6 ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.6
Day 82 - Tied her back a bit last night for maximum light exposure to the inside. Tonight I start on some much needed defoliation, I've been slacking
Day 83 - Watered her tonight with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6 ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.5
Day 84 - She is still stretching a bit 😐