Another good week for these sun has been shining a bit too much for these the temp has been up in the 30s most days days Iv had to put them in the garden a few days because it’s been so hot in the green house up at 45c for a couple of days the Ewok is done stretching and is on with the buds it has got some serious frosting going on in such a short time it’s taking a litre a day it’s stayed short only grown to 45cm it’s got quite a few bud sights so at least I’ll get something of her the point noires 2 in 1 pot one is doing really well she is still having a stretch so I’ll see how that goes the other is a lot smaller as you would expect but she is growing Iv not been able to do any LST on it because it’s all just growing up close to the main stem so not quite sure what to do with it yet these two are doing about a litre and half a day so feeding is all good still no deficiencies 🤞 so everything must be in range so I’ll leave it here for another week thanks for looking 👍👍👍👍👍👍
@Ju_Bps,thanks but I think I’m going to be starting again one is definitely dead and the other I’ll leave it to see if it recovers Iv already got 2 point noir in a pot soaking ready for the paper towel tonight 👍
@Nickname11123, thanks bud the last 2 photos are of the Ewok I’m going to put more photos of her up the ones I took were rubbish so will be updating them soon 👍👍👍
@Ju_Bps,iv just checked the temp in the green house and it was at 51c at 4pm and that was with the door open the Ewok has loved it all the leaves are pointing up but it is in the later stages of flowering point noire is still stretching I’m sat ext to it and it has perked up since going in the shade and a feed 🤞I got lucky
@Ju_Bps,not fully Iv left the small buds from around the bottom see if they get any fatter I got a bit of bud rot on a couple of the bigger buds so thought it best to take it down to make sure I got something Iv had it in the garden drying for the past 2 days and it’s dry I’m just having my first off it 👍👍👍👍👍definitely a nice smoke