JamMAKEcancommentedweek 03 years ago
Well monday as planned she broke soil.. Had helmet on🤔sprayed water mist now she's baldheaded 🤣😂 now she needs to open her leaf and start her root building.. By Thursday I'll start with a little myro for her🏆🏆.. Help start her roots ....im so nervous i keep checking her like every 20 min.. Im a realtime camera recording her every move at 20 min interval anyways🤜💚🤛🔭📄📃📝👀...last night was the super flower blood moon eclipse 🤓👍in soil friday 11:08am broke soil monday 7:01am yeaaa buddy. Now she under a dome and only had sun up to 11:34am monday... Basically same amount of sun until Wednesday then she and I will be chasing the path of sun until moved into permanent spot.. 25 gallon pot VSin ground🤔🤔🤔🤔
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