It was very warm and humid , tons of sun and things are really looking nice back here, Morning glories made there way up some of the cheeba plants ! Fugin awesome 😎. I feed every week and a half , . I allready trimmed the bottoms and somebody of the center so it will good air flow and no bull shit Mold
@Cyrusdavirus, oh they are, just got 100 mm of rain , I didn’t think it would stop , and it looks very rainy here for the next 2 weeks , let’s hope for some ☀️
Those are some nice wide ladies indeed! I find sometime with really tall plants I harvest twice. Take the top half then a week later the bottom. Can't wait to see how these turn out! Looking 💪👍
@Grow_for_Happiness, thanks dude I really love my plants and thy are surrounded by helpful flowers and tomatoes plants. ya I think it’s best to harvest the top half and then the lower
1.5 weeks apart on monster plants because I feel it’s too hard for it to finish all of it at the same time .. this years harvest is gonna be interesting. Seeing your plants evolution is a wonder too. Peace friend
@Cyrusdavirus, dude I’m gonna need a axe to get these trees in the house 😮 . I counted around 300 cherry tomatoes growing too, next year I’m gonna try and master shintokiwa Japanese cukecumbers - i grew them past couple years and this year too 🤔
@Grow_for_Happiness, thanks ! I got a couple other s hidden through out the garden as well, next journal entry I’m gonna do the ladder trick pic. They are so big it’s hard to get in there and do a photo, my cherry vine tomatoe plants are all in the way !