The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

m0use's FastBuds 420 - Blackberry

3 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
1 L
3 years ago
Nutrients 2
Transplanter MS-CS RootRescue 2 mll
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 2 mll
This little Blackberry grow is to finish up the seeds I had in the fridge for a few years now. Had 2 packs of 5 "buy one get one" and had 3 left over from the 2nd pack. Did not know what to expect but they all seem healthy and stable. The packaging is old school before they went all black. Will upload this into the fastbuds outdoor contest and see how it does. Germinated by scarification of the seed with an emery board then soaking in water for 12hrs, I added in the step of paper towel for another 12hrs then planted outside with myco in the hole. Watered in with some LABS "Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum [Lactobacillus]" and Transplanter MS-CS RootRescue. They all popped up within a few days after planting outside. Going to try and do this diary with only Liquid Feed by Trip Tonic, this is an in-house brand I picked up from my local grow shop. Have talked with other users on this site who are also in Toronto and they speak highly of this shop and like their products. The medium is fortified with some compost and its a organic pro-mix designed for veggies so it should have enough food in it for the first 3 to 4 weeks and will not need to use the liquid feed just yet.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
25 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Continuing with just feeding water for the plants as the medium is fortified for a few weeks of its growth. I moved the planters away from an exhaust so they would not get heat stress or wind. They seem to be liking it in there new home under my window on the deck.
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
10 cm
25 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
They are doing well this week, the spikes are holding out and the birds have fucked off with these plants. The steady feeding from the pro mix is still holding up and may feed next week with a smaller dosed solution. The video prerequisite for the contest is a bit funny, not a lot happening in them. Just did a fly by this week. Mustard greens are growing better then these fast buds lol. Had a near perfect rainbow the other day and included that in all the diaries. Bring some happiness to the page.
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
10 cm
25 °C
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Plants are doing well, no bird attacks and taking off in growth. I'm happy with the progress and will be starting the liquid feed next week. First time using TripTonic branded nutrients, should be straight forward as long as I keep my numbers in check. Will be feeding once or twice a week and the rest will be just water.
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
30 cm
25 °C
300 PPM
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 6
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 1 mll
TripTonic Grow A 2 mll
TripTonic Grow B 2 mll
This was a fun week, the plants got their first feeding from the TripTonic line of nutrients. I did a light feeding and then had to readjust as the EC was a bit low considering the size of the plants. The runoff was a bit high and this maybe because of all the left over from the pro mix slow release, thought it would have been used up by now. They will get the same water as the rest of the plants on the deck for the remainder of the week. I don't know if the PH will get out of wack because of this, but given that it is mainly peat and it tends to be acidic I think I'm in the clear. The little video was fun to splice together too. Got a little package in the mail from a fellow grower. @GottaGrowSometime has shared some of their Fast Buds winnings and sent me some green crack cbd 1:1 and cbd 20:1, they also threw in seed of the cherry coke and a few extras. This is going to help me test out their CBD lineup and see if its worth growing out. Big shoutout to them for being a great community member. In return I will be sending them some of my backcrossed Dinamed CBD Kush Autoflower seeds I made, the testing is going well so best to see what it can do in other growers hands.
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
56 cm
25 °C
300 PPM
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 7
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 1 mll
TripTonic Bloom A 2 mll
TripTonic Bloom B 2 mll
This week has been good for these little ones, the runoff was a bit high for my liking so I gave them more water before feeding to help flush out their medium and introduced the bloom nutrients as they are now entering flower. Got one purple looking ones, one green ones and one mixed that is leaning more towards green in terms of colour profile. I remember before when growing these strains I was disappointed in the fact they where not all purple. Now I know and don't care to much. Nothing crazy on the smells so far, hoping they get real juicy and tasty in the next coming weeks. The PH has been harder to lower when the nutrient solution is mixed, it takes more PH down to get ti to the 5.8 that I''m aiming for. Hopefully they explode in growth in the next few weeks.
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
58 cm
25 °C
600 PPM
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 7
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 1 mll
TripTonic Bloom A 4 mll
TripTonic Bloom B 4 mll
Noticed these little ones where hurting a bit and needed some more feed. The one week the runoff was quite high but the ec going in was not. guess that has been fixed, after feeding them they started to green up more and look a bit more healthy. went from a 0.6 to a 1.2 ec in feed ppm scale is 500. the lightly purple tinted plant has the most height out of all three and is on the far right, the darkest purple is the shortest on the far left and the green one is only a bit taller located in the middle. Other then underfeeding they seem to be doing quite well, will keep and eye on them and monitor for thrips and aphids. little fuckers where spotted on a Ganja farmer plant just a few feet down. Also uploaded some of the little critters in the garden pollinating my things and eating pests.
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
58 cm
25 °C
650 PPM
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 7
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 1 mll
TripTonic Bloom A 4 mll
TripTonic Bloom B 4 mll
Easy going week. nothing much to report. The EC pen I got is acting weird already. sometimes I'll put it in the feeding liquid and it will display 400ppm something. Then if I move it about or drip it in and out it will jump up to 700ppm something. I doing it over and over till I get a base line and go from that. this weeks EC was aorund 680ppm but the video does not show the other dips I did. PH still kicking aorund 5.9. I find it more annoying to adjust just the waters PH for these plants on the balcony where everything else is "as is" Will try this again indoors in a peat and perlite medium void of any other additives when It can have more of my undivided attention. maybe on the other seeds I got from FB via a friend in the mail. Side note uploading videos into the diaries is great and all, but takes to long to resize and process, can't hit save till its all done... no idea what its doing in the backend. stupid rule on contest must have videos every week,
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
58 cm
25 °C
650 PPM
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 7
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 1 mll
TripTonic Bloom A 5 mll
TripTonic Bloom B 5 mll
Weeks been chill, plants are not drinking as much as I thought they would be. Still annoying to water them separately with PH'd shit, some days I just give them tap and say fuck it. Can't say they are doing the best they could be doing. Been to busy with other things to give them the full attention they need for a first time liquid feed grow. Really should have done this indoors but I hate running a tent in the summer when the sun and heat are free. Granted the tomatoes are blocking some of their sun, have to move them aorund. been meaning to do that but no where to put them where they won't block out some other plants. Been having some fun making the little videos each week, been using open shot video editor to mash it all together and it works quite nice. Few crashes here and there as this laptop is garbage. It has so many features that I am not fully utilizing like cuts and effects but I've kept it stupid simple. Bugger one of the videos did not upload into the diary. Annoying AF these things take forever to "resize/convert" I like how the dead Blue Cindy plant looks like a biophage, sifi like alien thing.
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
58 cm
25 °C
650 PPM
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 7
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 1 mll
TripTonic Bloom A 5 mll
TripTonic Bloom B 5 mll
Fun little week for these ones, was making some more LAB serum and one of my containers was contaminated with a fruit fly and it laid a fuck ton of eggs that turned into maggots. the one container that was still safe is getting made into a cheese and the left overs in that where mixed with the water for this week. Giving it a lovely boost of lactic acid and bacteria. Plants look to be hungry, hard to focus on them outdoors vs indoors and hit the correct PH range plus monitor the runoff for accurate feeding. o well.
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
58 cm
25 °C
650 PPM
21 °C
21 °C
18 °C
11 L
1 L
Nutrients 7
LAB Serum - Lactobacillus Culture 1 mll
TripTonic Bloom A 5 mll
TripTonic Bloom B 5 mll
Ok next week is just water and the chop. I am done with these plants, they did well and I'm happy with that. Got some real fade and issues all through out the run of this grow but the buds on the plant are looking fantastic. Can't say I am disappointed in them as I legit did not give a fuck about them and they produced. so that's a massive bonus. I will be drying them indoors for the same period as the other plants I was harvesting. give them a little cure and see what they are like.
Week 10. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Did well with the little love I gave them. They all got aphids but a little bit of bud washing will fix that.
Show more
Spent 72 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
100 g
Bud wet weight per plant
13.33 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Happy, Hungry, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects

Day air temperature
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Left these ones out a bit to long and not nearly enough love, so they suffered a bit but that's ok. I am going to experiment and try water curing the buds. First time ever using this method and I think it will make a good little project. No idea how to it will turn out, been reading it will remove most of the smells and that sucks but the smoke is very clean and light. Only time will tell. take about 7 days to fully water cure. bud washing helped get rid of a lot of extra that stuck to them outside.


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homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
m0usecommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, Stop spamming disingenuous comments for likes.
Hongocommentedweek 103 years ago
This is a great grow journal! The videos are helpful (SMB3 music!) and the weeks are replete with details and useful information. Looking forward to all the learning
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Hongo, glad you like it & thanks for the love, This diary is not my best and a lot went wrong with it but its still a harvest in the end.
Edward_Dcommentedweek 83 years ago
Bella pianta.. Ci metti il cuore eh!!!
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Edward_D,Thanks man, its not getting all my love but doing ok with the amount it has been receiving. :D
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 03 years ago
Who doesn't love an owl bit of premo pre mix. Just sit back and watch em pop. Good luck..
m0usecommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, It will do really well, and once I need to start feeding them with the trip tonic. I will start to see some real big growth :D
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
m0usecommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, Stop spamming disingenuous comments for likes, you lit up every one of new diaries with this same bull shit "Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱" fuck off already.
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 102 years ago
Vaya, sólo vine aquí por el post de la competencia de verano y me lleve con la sorpresa de curado en agua... Que locura 😂💦🥦♻️. Jamás lo había imaginado. Que tengas muy buenas cosechas en tus próximos proyectos sr Mouse
m0usecommented2 years ago
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, Thanks man, you as well!
DotMinatrixcommentedweek 102 years ago
Sorry for the necrocommenting, was just scrolling the strain... how did water cure stuff smoke though? Say someone wasn't in a friendly state, could this be an effective method of controlling stank associated with having it around your home/vehicle? I'd be heckin' interested in stealth weed if it still burned up nice. (Btw I'm so glad I had my volume on for a rare instance. Idk why but the video game music gave me mad giggles.) (edit for grammar)
m0usecommented2 years ago
@DotMinatrix, after water curing all the tastes and smells are gone, in my view that's kind of the fun part of smoking it. I would only use this option if weed was super illegal and you need to have it not smell of weed at all. If you mixed it with a bit of smoking tobacco you would not be able to tell and could smoke it in a public place no one would notice. As for taste and smoke quality. its not as smooth as a properly cure weed & the taste is well, gross, just planty and flat, it needs to be mixed with something. IDK if it could have used more time to rest in a jar after its done water curing to mellow out but I doubt it. My buddy tried mine as I don't smoke and he said it put him in a a strong couch lock, but that was because I left the plants to turn all amber vs harvesting at the optimal time. He said it has no taste/smell and he mixed it with other weed he had. Hope this helps.
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 102 years ago
nice try with water curing, I was very weird looking at your videos on the contest page. Now I got what you did 😂
m0usecommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, lol yea its was weird, n stinky, i bet it makes some good edibles as its removing all the extras that can make the extract taste “green”
DreamITcommentedweek 33 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀👋🦄
m0usecommented3 years ago
Fast_Budscommentedweek 103 years ago
Hey, Thank you for sharing your experience with us :) love the attention to detail! We hope that you liked growing our Blackberry Auto, enjoy that harvest! Have a good one
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Thanks!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 03 years ago
Hey there, Nice diary! ;) Thanks so much for growing our genetics, will be excited to see them all flourish ☘️ Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help 😎 Happy Growing !!!
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Will do, thanks for the head up :D
THCanbisGrowercommentedweek 103 years ago
look tasty! good job bro.
the end.
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