
White Widow

2 years ago
Room Type
12-12 From Seed
weeks 6, 9-10, 12
weeks 6, 9-10, 12
Grow medium
76 L
Pot Size
Germination Method
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 6%
White Widow
Avg. success
Royal Queen Seeds - 91%
White Widow - 91%
Commented by
mltaylo3 mltaylo3
2 years ago
First grow, used a grow plug from GH. Biggest problem is trying to keep my temps down. May install an ac, but first want to see if I can redirect airflow in a smarter way. Keeping lights at 800 PAR to keep temps low, about 18 inches above my single plant canopy. Watering once a day, RO water, no nutrients. Average temps in the 90's.
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Grow Questions
mltaylo3started grow question 2 years ago
Can anyone tell me how close I am to harvest? I posted a couple of pics of trichomes near pistils at 86x zoom.
Other. General questions
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Very hard to tell with your diaries pics. And the 1st 2 wks of flowering.. aren't actually flowering.. You start to count days of flowering when pistils start to show. And well, my guess, with your pics. You are just leaving pre flower or thereabouts can't truly tell. You'll know yourself when she stops putting on upwards height. Then generally fems can take anywhere from 55,70 days in flower.. Check breeders rec for that. But these are just recommendations. How you'll truly know is by checking out the trichomes subi which are far away from the ripening phase. Maybe another 6 weeks, maybe more I've no idea. All phenos are dif. But, 80-90% of the time the breeders recs are right. And you bud should be done within 9-11 weeks. Once pre flower has started, "stigma) and yous is only in wk 2 or 3 of that. As I said, you'll know when it's over. Good growing
mltaylo3started grow question 2 years ago
In week 3 of flower, WW RQS FEM PHOTO, still another 6 weeks to go. In about 10 days, I'd like to maybe cut an ounce off the top, do a quick water cure and dry on it while the rest keeps growing. Will that ounce be 50% strength or? Thoughts/tips/advice? Yesterday's pic attached.
Other. General questions
Growladyeastmidlandsanswered grow question 2 years ago
You will be lucky to have a oz on the. Whole plant at 3 weeks in and I am not sure that you will damage your plants but if you think that your yealds will be great and you have enough to give it ago then its upto you but I wouldn't ever do it time is what they need and the bud won't be great either so I'd wait until 10weeks Flowering personally I really feel that 1oz at 4weeks Flowering is a lot to expect and your weight drops drastically on drying

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spydercommentedweek 02 years ago
good luck with the grow, .. enjoy.
spydercommentedweek 02 years ago
good luck with the grow, .. enjoy.
Anonymous_2022commentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow 🌱
Wind_Weedcommentedweek 02 years ago
Non vedi che la piantina sta male. Devi aumentare umidità al 70%
THCanbisGrowercommentedweek 02 years ago
good luck with that bro.
cannapassioncommentedweek 02 years ago
The best for the futur 💪🤛🌱
mltaylo3commentedweek 02 years ago
As Wind_Weed commented below, I was definitely doing this wrong. Still, my little seed was hearty and forgiving. Thanks for the good advice!