This plant is growing well. Its getting far bushier than the Autoflower planted next to it. Seems to have shorter branches, causing far more overlap of the leaves and a lot less light penetration. It'll likely require defoliating at some point fairly early. Its also far more sensitive to watering and tends to droop when watered, but bounces up a couple days later. I'm spreading the watering out even further at this point, to roughly every 5 days until it starts drinking more.
*This is a free included seed from Herbie's Seeds, and my first attempt at a photoperiod-flowering plant. This is my second EVER grow, after the first round (all autoflowers) was stunted from rookie mistakes (over watered early, poor substrate, uncontrolled temps) and flowered too small. Hoping to get a bigger yield from the full-season plant and improved grow methods!