I really wanted to try this genetic after seeing the amazing results and reviews. Plus, I really love a good sativa hybrid.
Soaked in RO water and hydrogen peroxide for 48 hours and then planted directly into coco. I definitely should have planted after 24 hours into the soak since they showed taproot very early and one of the seedlings started sprouting leaves outside the shell. Regardless, both seedlings are doing great.
The pics are from 48 hours after planting. I spritz the seedlings daily with the same RO/H2O2 mixture.
XXX#2 had her leaf-tips turn yellow out of nowhere. I really havent treated this seedling any differently than the others, either. The one thing I did differently on this seedling is apply a 5% neem-oil/95% water mist to the base of the soil, since I noticed a gnat in her humidity dome. I am guessing the yellowing is being caused by stress from the gnat or the neem-oil.
Regardless, I am hoping she pulls through whatever the hell is going on. I gave her the first real feeding today @ 350ppm. Just a little splash.
XXX#2 now has brown/dead leaf-tips where it was yellow, but is finally showing some new growth after appearing to be stagnant. Im thinking she will pull through. I also carefully removed the seed shell and casing from the stem of the XXX#2 today. It is possible that the pinching/squeezing of the seed was causing her stress.
@Tater3333, I'm just expecting a few beans now at the least. Hopefully she doesnt get fully seeded. Herm was directly next to both xxx ladies, OF COURSE... Ive still got 3-4 weeks left, so we will see... removed the one pollen-sac i could find, but it already dropped pollen. This herm lady had a male-parts grow inside of female calyx. Tricky mofo. I plucked most of them, but there will always be that one....
My xxx#2 smells more acidic and gassy but still fruity, but my #1 is full on fruit punch with tropical vibes. XXX seems very stable though, as far as intersex traits go.
@Hotcrossbuns, oh no..So your thoughts are it will herm the rest? I had that happen on 10th planet but it never got to the rest of the girls. Hope it all works out for ya! Im getting closer to that smell....
@Hotcrossbuns, I can see the end game gene is strong, they are very nice looking. I have 5 clones going from mine, I grabbed them early and just brought them along in cottage cheese tubs. No topping but they are kicking right along. Hoping for a big ole pineapple shaped cola on the top. 😊