What's up fellow growmies!!! I hope all of your grows are going well.
Friday July 8th marked week #6 for my babies (Week #3 for White Widow #3), they all are doing very well at this point. It is week 2 really of flowering and I believe they have finally stopped stretching. The buds are really starting to develop.
I really have not changed up much other than the amount of nutrients that I am feeding them. I have decided that instead of 1/3rd of the manufacturers recommended dosage, I would move to giving them 1/2 of the recommended. They all are luscious and green and show no signs of nutrient burn.
I just low stressed trained White Widow #3 I waited a bit late to do it so I am eager to see how well she does especially being that she should start pre-flowering in 2 weeks.
The humidity is getting harder to keep in the range I want, mainly due to the amount of foliage in the tent. I probably should do some light defoliation however I'm one to let them fall off as the plant uses the nutrients and the leaf wilts away on its own.
Caramelicious is doing well, I planted her with the rest 5/28/22 however she is a photoperiod and has been vegging going on 2 months now. I plan on flipping the light schedule to 12/12 after all of my Autos finish, which according to the info provided on the strains should be around the first or second week in September. So she should have a good 3 months of vegging under her belt. I probably should have gone bigger with the pot size as I have her in a 5 gallon. I know I could flip the light schedule now due to the other ones being autos so they won't be impacted too much. However this seed comes from my last harvest, where the mother turned Hermie on me and pollinated itself. So according to genetics once I flip this one probably should Hermie as well, however I have to see it on my own. I'm hoping it doesn't.
I have White Widow #3 and Caramelicious on the same feeding schedule, I am feeding them an aggressive vegetation mixture of general hydroponics flora trio series, which calls for 3 ml of flora grow (green) 2 ml of flora macro (brown/burgundy) and 1 mil of flora bloom (pink) per gallon. I mix it into 2 gallon sprayer which means they are actually getting half of the recommended dosage.
Big Bud Auto #1, #2 and White Whidow #1 and #2 are on the same schedule I am feeding them an aggressive bloom mixture, 1 mil of flora grow, 2 mil of flora macro and 3 mil of flora bloom
I found that 2 liters of water is the sweet spot for this stage of growth. I plan on kicking it up to 3 liters per plant in the next week or 2. The pot size varies between 3 and 5 gallons and I have WW # 2 in a 1 gallon pot, surprisingly it is not showing any signs that the pot is too small and in fact is thriving.
710 genetics have an auto strain called stilton , it's the best producing auto I've grown and has an old school uk cheese smell and taste ,, worth a try if you can get it .
Great job 💎