Super Happy with the growth and qualty of The Royal queen seeds Blue cheese Nice and healthy looking.
one more week and I'll be starting light LST on all plants.
Last feed untill flower for
Piranha 2ml
Trantular 2ml
Carboload 2ml
🌱 Humidty 67%
🌱 Carbo load 2ml
🌱 Cal mag 2ml
🌱 Tarantula 2ml
🌱 Piranha 2ml
🌱 Sensi a 1ml
🌱 Sensi b 1ml
🌱 B52 1ml
🌱 Nirvana 1ml
🌱 Ph 5.0
🌱 300ml each
🌱 Temp 26 °c
🌱 Light 50%
🌱 Lux 15000
Thanks for checking my grows out untill next time Happy Growing 🌱