As I noted in our other diaries I was unable to get these logs started earlier because I was ill. This is a limited edition strain from seedsman seeds and she is a keeper, also a favourite to say the least.
This beauty is a clone that was taken before her mother went into bloom and we are sure glad we kept her growing. As you can see she has been planted in one of our new garden beds and she is quite happy with her life. One of the best qualities that she maintains is her ability to fight off any sort of issue, with the abuse our plants took over the winter months this was the only one that the mildew could not live on. It was incredible to see how clean and strong she remained when she was beside a plant that was covered in the nasty powder.
Another amazing quality is how well she held up to the chilly nights in the greenhouse, we almost lost a few ladies but this girl held on without any issue.
Based on the mother plant we grew we know she is a heavy hitter, I (TOH) am a wee bit annoyed with the harshness of the smoke because I am unable to smoke it. This girl will most likely be harvested in two intervals so I can actually enjoy her also, just because it can be stronger doesn’t mean it should. Either way this is going to be a beautiful beast and we are excited to see her bloom outdoors.
I do have pictures of her before this point but unfortunately they are not organized for me to locate easily so we grow on from this point on. The garden bed itself has a few other plants growing in it but we have not started a cover crop, that will have to wait for the fall although we will use trimmings from the other beds to dress up the top in hopes of providing a natural source of nutrients, along with maintaining the moistness on the top of the bed.
This will be quite the ceremony when the harvest time arrives.