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White widow auto

3 years ago
Auto Seeds - Biała Wdowa
Room Type
10 l
Pot Size
0.33 l
Grow Conditions
Week 7
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Commented by
MarianPazdzioch MarianPazdzioch
3 years ago
Minol już 90 dzień odkąd wyrosła.W tym tygodniu nie daje już żadnych odżywek.Wczoraj wlałem 2 litry wody z czego tylko 0,5 litra wyleciało.Po 24 godzinach doniczka była dużo lżejsza.wiec wypiła tego dużo.Topy zaczynają być twarde i coraz grubsze.Dobrze że nie zrobiłem zbiorów wcześniej bo dużo stracił bym na plonach.Ale postanawiam zostawić ją jeszcze na parę dni i zobaczymy co będzie
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Grow Questions
MarianPazdziochstarted grow question 3 years ago
Czy mogę dać ma żółte liście Bio Bizz?Bio grow.Kupilem jakiś czas temu i taki mam pod ręką
Feeding. Other
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crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
those leaves are almost at the point of becoming n toxic. i wouldnt use grow nutrients at this point. you have slightly yellowish tint to one leaf as i see it and not a nitrogen deficiency in general. if you have it add some biobizz alg-a-mic for some micro nutrients or some kelp extract and just a very tiny bit of fulvic acid. they dont look unhealthy atm.
MarianPazdziochstarted grow question 3 years ago
Liście zaczęły się robić żółte tydzień temu i jest ich coraz więcej.Najpierw były na dole teraz robią się coraz wyżej.czy mogę dać awaryjnie bio Bizz bio grow?
Feeding. Other
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
You are out of the growth stage. The lowest leafs are just a causality of energy/food war going on with your plant. As for the yellowing. You need a PK boost. Idk if the growth will have enough PK in it but it won't hurt, get niobium bloom or some PK booster . Really you need bloom but if you only have grow then yes, give her some feeds it might help a little but you need pk. Good luck.
MarianPazdziochstarted grow question 3 years ago
A skąd za dużo azotu?Leje tylko wodę pH 6,5 i nigdy nic nie dawałem
Feeding. Deficiences
crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
your soil was prefertilized probably and autos are more sensitive to nutrients than photoperiod plants
MarianPazdziochstarted grow question 3 years ago
Dziękuję za odpowiedź.Mam blisko sklep z odżywkami więc jutro kupię.Jak myślisz ile czasu do zbioru?To moja pierwsza roślina i dlatego się przejmuje żeby nie zepsuć
Feeding. Deficiences
crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
you dont feed plants blindly some plants dont need a feed its clear that you soil was prefertilized so why feed a well fed plant? and if you want to feed use the biobizz schedule. i’m gonna try this one more time and the rest is your choice. get 2 more products: biobizz biobloom and alg-a-mic visit the biobizz site. you’ll see schedules on the site. look at the all-mix schedule and you’ll see ml/l for each product use 1/4th of what it says there for example if it says 1ml/l use .25ml/l
MarianPazdziochstarted grow question 3 years ago
Dałem teraz biobizz bio grow bo taki mam w domu 4 ml na 1 litr.Zobaczymy co z tego będzie.Jest coraz więcej żółtych liści.
Feeding. Deficiences
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Plain water. Idk what you are talking about, but back to what matters. Ye, it'll be fine brother. You only did it once. Normally if you pour fluid in and it flys out the end really quickly its a sign that your plants soil is too dry.
MarianPazdziochstarted grow question 3 years ago
Teraz wygląda tak
Feeding. Deficiences
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crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
you cannot keep looking at it, it cant grow that way. let it dry out and do its thing. get the two other products and use at the ration per the schedule but at 1/4th strength and its gonna fill up nicely. dont overcorrect, dont obsess or you are gonna cause more damage than good.

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Edward_Dcommentedweek 63 years ago
MaryCannadycommentedweek 73 years ago
MaryCannadycommentedweek 73 years ago
MaryCannadycommentedweek 73 years ago
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 33 years ago
Hey pal. Your plant is fine. You do need a PK boost. The pla thing you are getting is a great PK booster with that and calmag and the grow you are set. Also for your next grow add some enzymes if you are sticking with soil grows. An enzyme like a good bacteria or a decent root stim will make the world of difference. It'll give your roots much more growth and that'll show up top in your growth as more roots means more nutrient/fluid uptake and a better overall result. Feel free to DM me if you need help or just ask someone in messages who you feel can help you the most. Happy growing buddy. Nice new week buddy. She's nearly finished the swell and will be heading into your most important part. So try not let it get to hot. Protect those trichomes they are very delicate as little as handling as possible. She should start frosting out over the next 2-3 weeks. Good luck my friend.
Drgreen13commentedweek 72 years ago
Looking good.