Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago Yes it looks like you have a nitrogen toxicity(dark green leaves, major clawing). Happy Farms has an npk of 5-7-3 which is good for veg, but has to much nitrogen for flower( shoot for a NPK of 1-2-3 in flower ). Plants eat differently depending on there environment and the strain. Looks like this batch was not eating as much as your last grow and still have to much nitrogen for the stage they are at.
I would do a flush to try to get the last bit of nutrients out so you can start to control the NPK and get more K in without being locked out. Burnt tips that are straight is a K def, tips that curl up is nuturent burn
One thing that will help is getting your heat down and keeping your humidity at 60.***only keep it this high early flower,(all white hairs) Mid-late flower you will risk rot.
This will reduce the amount of water that is transpired which will lower the amount of food that is being taken in. It will not balance your NPK though.
If you can shoot for temp between 22C(71F) and 25C(77F). Keep it like this for the next few weeks and she will eat less and hopefully the toxicity will stop.
They should be exhausting the food soon so you will be back in control.