She's losing her bottom leaves more quickly than I expect. Most of her leaves look healthy though, so I'm trying not to worry. I did give her another taste of N in the Grow Big, but only a tsp for the gallon. I think she's slowing her height growth. Not quite as tall as the tomato cage, so that's good. Not a ton of room left to raise the lamp!
Soil pH measured ~7 on 21 Aug, so for her next feeding, I'll drop the feed's pH a few notches.
22 Aug Update: She was thirsty already. Meter jammed all the way down read just shy of "moist," so I fed her a gallon of water pHed to 5.4. I hope that brings the soil pH down to the 6.5 range again.
26 Aug update: Fed her today -- she was a wee bit droopy. She got a gallon of BigBloom and CalMag @ pH 6.2.
"What is integrity without tolerance?"
Lay down some bud catchers maybe. That's some late night partying going on. Hope you find the lil shits.
Apply some leaf wash to kill them and if there is the odd 1 or 2 kill em before they lay eggs.
Good luck man