You can, human urine is high in nitrogen. Use a mid-late day. Dilute it 60:1 water. Sounds gross, but if the human it comes from is healthy then it will not contain anything bad.
It certainly COULD be normal fade... have you checked the trichomes at all? The pistils are looking good and brown/orange so I'd be thinking they're about ready for harvest!
Good luck and happy smokes!
The bio tabs nutrient full pack don t need ti control ph.. IS the fisrt time use this kind of fertilize, before this i always use ph Pen, but for this time is not neccessry
Don't want to be the one to tell you the bad news my friend. She wants to come to my cure room,lol!! Blessings on your BEAUTIFUL GIRLS !! BEAUTIFUL BUDDS COMING HOME SOOON!! THANKS FOR SMILE ๐