Some of them became a light violet leaf stem. I don't think the Magnesiumlevel is low, no stress (classic music) and no sickness. Happy plants. Maybe i higher the Mag for a tiny bit.
@Nick12, i watered my plants once or twice a week and always with nutrients. it depends what substrat you use soil or coco. it depends how much your plant drink how much light you have etc there is no plug and play instructions. also you have to take 1/3 of your potsize. so i had 25L when i water right i use at least 6l to get the soil nice and moist. or you water them every day with a calculated amount of water to keep the soil always moist on some level. you have to - learn by doing (and read some lektures about it). My pot also had to had a special weight so full waterd the pot should be (with biobizz light mix) 16kg. idk what should i tell you i do a lot with my eyes and feelings. nobody gets to master grower from today to tomorrow.
@@Stonimahoni, I read about Plagron Alga bloom nut using in every watering so I just wondering how is it with biobizz try-pack nuts. If it´s meant to be used once a week or every watering like plagron. Thx for quick response.
@Nick12, what do you mean with outdoor growing pack? How often i use fishmix you can see in the statistik above. From which week and how much ml. Just have a look at the weeks