24/8 into 7th week since seed in soil. I use growth boosters with some extra for bud quality. Also used bloom booster for one watering.. will continue with grow for a week or two.
@THCanbisGrower, thank you for your support. The white widows, first gorilla glue and amnesia haze are almost finished seedling phase. 1 week germination and 3 weeks seedling phase and I'm in the 3rd week of it since wednesday.
I believe they are almost a week behind on schedule because of watering issues I had. I didn't give enough water at first. Now I think I know what I am doing because I see better evolution since past week. I am still learning...
@RedRooM, I don't know with this one. I just watered it and I do see some movement but it grows very slow. Cause could be underwatering in the first two weeks. I will keep it to see what it will do but this grow is a fail.
@Drgreen13, yeah, sole people suggested to start over but I didn't. Even if it is just one smoke, for a first time grow it will be worth it. It's all about learning and doing better next time.
@izzy89, at the end if the day mate, a yield is a yield irrelevant of the weight. I'm happy to get half oz of a plant. Obvs Id like 3-4oz or more per plant and I'm slowly getting there.
@Blabina, 3/4 of my fails were helmet heads.. got to keep an eye on them those first days and keep that helmet moist. If it dries off, it is harder for the cotyledons to shed it
@izzy89, I have the same with Green Crack Green, she had a helmet at the beginning of her life and is a 11L pot compare to the 2 others sisters (15L.) and I think I will definitly be surprised by her. She also has AN AMAZING PHENOMENA I have never seen : One branche became 2 branches 😇