DAY 17 - 23
02.08. - 08.08.22
"Unfortunatly" my last yield was too big to dry it in my little 90x60x100 cm tent, so the little ones need to wait a little longer in the nutriculture x-stream before getting transfered to the big setting.
Nutrient Solution (NS): 10L Osmosis water
Canna Call Mag until EC 0,3
Canna Vega A+B 25 ml + 25 ml
rhizotonic 25 ml
Cannazym 25 ml
That's very interesting way to germinate the seeds...I like your idea to use aerocloner.
Do you run water i24/7 when germinating?
I have same x-stream and looking to try DWC ...
Sieht sehr nice aus , würde dir aber empfehlen die Lampen tilt auf zu hängen , habe den Tipp selbst von Sanlight bekommen und steigert so deine tiefenpenetration