Did some more pruning to open up more sunlight on fresh nodes. P2 looks like the phenotype that will bush the easiest. P3 also has no trouble bushing out, but doesn't shoot branches as well as P2. P1 grows tall and has big gaps between branches, so it's probably best for mainlining and planting outside.
P2 is developing chlorosis. Further inspection revealed that the soil was holding too much water, but just with this one plant. You can notice which one in the pictures. I repotted it in new soil and didn't water it for almost a week after I transplanted it.
@Ju_Bps, thanks, bruv!
I have Dr. Zymes and potassium bicarbonate, so I should be able to make short work if it as long as the humidity stays in check for a bit.
Thank you mate! I’m 2 weeks into flower and have some clones popping (first attempt at clones)
I’ve taken your advice and just lollipopped and got a solid top canopy!
I’ll update my thread soon