
#03. Blue Dream Auto

2 years ago
Caliweed - Blue Dream Auto
Room Type
weeks 2-5
weeks 3-6
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
TeesTrees TeesTrees
2 years ago
Day 36 - I watered her again with nutrients ph to 5.8, i was advised to water less but everyday. I defoliated her today and she looks great. I took of a few shade leaves and now there is a lot more space for the plant to breath .Tied a branch down so it has more space i will need to start putting branches in the places where i have big gaps. Day 37 - I didn't have much time today when i took the picture, but i checked on her in the morning gave a quick sweep to make sure there was no headache. Day 38 - I checked her today again nothing that can ruin the whole crop. This baby does not give me headache at all runs very smoothly. She has been watered with nutrients today at PH 5.9. I got new lights today spider farmer sf2000, this looks amazing inside there. Day 39 - The plant is okay temperature is to high in room its at 34°c waiting on inlet fan to come to cool temperature, well to try to cool the temp because I'm not sure if i can cool it. Day 40 - The plant looks well. The leaves with the wind hitting it looks very week. I think i might need to defoliate it just so plant doesn't get stressed. The plant has been watered with nutrients at 5.6PH. Day 41 - once again i didn't take a picture today.  I was very busy and didn't have time however i checked the plants as soon as i woke up and they looked well and healthy. Day 42 - She looks well as always but again only thing i could ask for is a better yield but let's see what happens. I watered her today with nutrients and the water Ph was at 5.5.
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Grow Questions
TeesTreesstarted grow question 2 years ago
Has anyone grown seeds from caliweed seeds. I Couldn't find their website or anything but i got the seeds from reputable distributor, i also couldnt find other growers growing from them. Because im trying to find best way to get the colour and flavour from this auto.
Buds. Other
Plant. Other
Techniques. Other
DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
High, I found the strain on their official website, here is the link: Happy Growing! 😋
TeesTreesstarted grow question 2 years ago
So after finding out about the so called breeders of my seed. Im now wondering about growing different strains in the same area as i belive i have indica and sativa.( i thought I had all indica strains). They are all autos. Is it a problem or one that is negligible?
Plant. Other
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Setup. Other
Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 2 years ago
@TeesTrees because they are all autos then you have zero problems growing satties in with indicas just remember the more sativa in a strain the more it will stretch during flowering so to keep an even canopy you will need to use training techniques like LST etc to tame the sativa it may also take a little longer to finish than the indicas so keep that in mind when deciding where in the tent to put the plants
TeesTreesstarted grow question 2 years ago
Iv read that to get the purple colour from the plant i have to get night time temp to be 15 degrees lower than day temp. Im working with basically a 1 sqr meter space and i was going to buy a tower ac unit to cool the temp down Or one of those ac units where you put ice and water
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Setup. Ventilation
Techniques. Other
1 like
Growladyeastmidlandsanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'd get the fans filters and temperature controller unit first they more important than ac units mate
TeesTreesstarted grow question 2 years ago
To get the purple plant and bud, When should I control night temp to be lower by 15 degrees than day, from now or do i have to wait for it to start flowering. Also is this a good organic way to get colour on plant/bud?
Buds. Other
Plant. Other
Techniques. Other
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
I mean, if you really want to do this, wait until it is flowering. Keep your tent around 62°F during day cycle and drop it to mid-high 40s °F at night. For future reference, there are cultivars that turn purple. Granddaddy purple is one of many that turn into beautiful plants naturally once they start blooming. I hope this helps. Good luck!
TeesTreesstarted grow question 2 years ago
Im sure this is nothing to worry about but i just want to know what it is. Is it genetics or is it a deficiency that i can sort out. Im only feeding water at the moment. Also is there a name to refer to this condition? Because its not twisted or wilting?
Leaves. Twisted
Leaves. Other
Plant. Other
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DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
She is beautiful! Beautiful colour, the leaves bending like this is normal for the first leaves. The next ones will be straight. I don't know if you just gave her water. But let the top soil drybout completely before you give a next time. The basic rule is 10% from pot volume every time your top soil dried out completely! Happy Growing! 😋
TeesTreesstarted grow question 2 years ago
Got 2 plants same age Should I LST the plants or not. There is nothing wrong with it but would it still be worth to do it. You can see the pictures on my diary for both of them they are both 2 weeks old.
Techniques. LST
1 like
DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yes! The earlier you start training and shaping your plant the more control you've got over the shape during the grow. You want the buds to be seperated from eachother but at the same hight so that they all gain the same amount of light from your lamp. You can look at my Blue Hash diarie. That is an example of the shape that you want so that all your buds grow equally. Happy Growing! 😋 Happy Growing! 😋
TeesTreesstarted grow question 2 years ago
Internode length is relatively short! Is it somthing to worry about and can still LST the plant?
Plant. Too short
Plant. Spaces between nodes
Plant. Other
1 like
DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! 😍 She doesn't stretch because she is getting enough light! So it is a really good sign and she is looking great! Yes you can still use LST and try to bend all the branches that will develop buds to reach the same height. When you do this your plant is focussing on all the top buds because they always use the most energy for the highest reaching bud. In nature this one has the most chance to be pollinated. And they all get the same amount of light from you lamp! Happy Growing! 😋

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Growladyeastmidlandsweek 5
Hi with pods found yesterday I would check the plants for any more of them cos they are in the same area and it's heartbreaking if they are all seeded happy growing and hoping for you they ok
Seed2WeedYTweek 11
Amazing job, Enjoy 💪