They grew so much over this week! I still have only been giving water (I have well water) and twice a week I give 1 foliar spray first spray at the beginning of the new week which is composed of fish and kelp and then I do one mid week with molasses and brix booster. I will start adding a molasses/microbial blend (Papa Zeeps Sweet and Sticky Soil Food). I am also thinking of grabbing a 300w bar light to replace the two separate lights I have in my tent.
As always thank you Sohum Living Soil, especially Jon who has been so much help and answers any questions I have!
Thank you Rogue Soil, especially Simon who also helps and answers my questions asked!
Thank you Harvest Hero for this amazing Enhanced perlite!
Thank you Gardzen for the Fabric pots they are great quality!
Thank you xGarden for your contribution of basic perlite!
Arguably the best thing about having all these amazing people and companies isn't just the products but all the lessons you can learn from them!
Onto week 4 ✌️
P.S. don't pay attention to the rh or even the temp on the thermometer it is wrong and will be replaced in the future
I use the entire RAW NPK LINE. ITS dirt cheap at a 180 dollar bag of amino will cost about 50%75% less. The sales are always changing. Select dank deals too but I usually just type in what I'm looking for. I use the feeding chart with every nutrient and supplement then add a teaspoon of RAW NPK GROW OR BLOOM TO THAT MIX. the growth is explosive but you can't use each watering or you'll roast your plants. I water water feed water water feed with at least 1.5 liter run off for 5 gallon containers. Try they have free shipping on most and best prices around.