
Mix of 5 autoflowers(PLAGRON)

2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
20 hrs
Light Schedule
2+ conditions after
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Grow Questions
Dmarleystarted grow question 2 years ago
Ik had een vraag waar ik niet direct het antwoord op vind. Wanneer begint met de weken te tellen van jullie kweek? Wanneer is bv de eerste dag.mvg
Other. General questions
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DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hoi Dmarley, Ik typ dit in het Nederlands dus druk op de knop vertalen voor de Nederlandse versie. De eerste dag is wanneer het zaadje is ontkiemd en de zaailing haar eerste 2 blaadje laat zien. Daarna tel je gewoon de weken. En je begint met de bloei wanneer je de eerste tekenen van bloei ziet. Dat is bij een regulier plantje ongeveer 2 weken nadat je de lampen op 12/12 hebt gezet. En bij autoflowers is dat ongeveer een maand nadat ze haar eerste blaadjes heeft laten zien. Succes met je kweek! 😋
Dmarleystarted grow question 2 years ago
Hey, Het was de bedoeling om geen technieken uit te voeren, :) Nu heb ik wel al wat ontbladert. Ze zijn nu 4 weken en zijn alle 5 net in bloei, maar het tentje staat goed vol met 5 autos. Nu was de vraag ben ik te laat om te soggen of de takken te binden? mvg
Techniques. SoG
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Barneysfarmer10answered grow question 2 years ago
I always tweak mine during flowering, do why you got to do to get the light to all the bud sites.
Dmarleystarted grow question 2 years ago
Beste growers, Het is mijn eerste kweek sinds jaren, ik dacht ik begin met 5 autoflowers op 80x80, plaats genoeg. Nu in de 5de week staat mijn tent overvol, moeite om alle toppen van licht te voorzien. Zijn er tips of het ik iets verkeerd gedaan? Ze zijn enkel getopt. Grtz en thx
Plant. Other
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I, too, often think I've got more room for a grow than is feasible! Other than suggesting another tent for one or two of them (or a closet you can convert), I would suggest doing some defoliation so the light can penetrate below ... do this slowly as this may stress the plants so do a little today and see how they react, then do some more if they're fine tomorrow, etc. This is probably going to be pretty important to do if only to get more air flow through everything! You might also consider harvesting them in stages even after doing the defoliation as the whole plant is not likely to mature at one time... the tops first, then let the lower bud sites have another week (maybe longer) before they're harvested (and you might enjoy not having ALL of them to trim up at one time!). The only problem with that approach is that you probably shouldn't do a flush as this would negatively impact the lower bud growth but as you're growing with organic nutes, it really ISN'T a problem! Good luck - it's a beautiful grow.
Dmarleystarted grow question 2 years ago
Hallo, Iets raar, ik heb 5 autoflowers en 1 plant staat heel hoog en vol met mini popcorntopjes geen enkele dikke top, de ander 4 vol met dikke toppen. Hoe zou dit komen. Heb ze in het begin wel getopt. Kan dit een reden zijn? Groeten
Buds. Not fattening
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
There's nothing that YOU did wrong... it's just genetics - unfortunately, you're going to get a lot of comments here that say autoflowers are terrible, don't grow them, yada yada... but even photoperiods will once in a while have one seed that just goofs up... pretty normal, pretty irritating, pretty puzzling... just treat each plant as an individual and appreciate what she gives you... that particular plant might make some very nice edibles for you! Good luck!

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Captensmokeycommentedweek 62 years ago
Good luck with your beautiful grow brother🙏🍀❤️
Captensmokeycommented2 years ago
@Dmarley. You're welcome brother
Dmarleycommented2 years ago
@Captensmokey, thx mate
Dmarleycommentedweek 82 years ago
1 plant geoogst 140gr nat
Dmarleycommentedweek 22 years ago
Thx very much
DreamITcommentedweek 22 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀🤘🦄
Dmarleycommented2 years ago
@DreamIT, Thank you!
Metatronixcommentedweek 22 years ago
Best wishes to your girls on their journey to frostines growmie 🌱💚
Dmarleycommented2 years ago
@Metatronix, thank you very much!
Metatronixcommentedweek 72 years ago
Looking awesome😎 The tent is filling up with bud nicely 💪