Plant one is finally growing at the correct rate and was ready for transplant. I used recycled soil that was refreshed with perlite, Down-to-Earth 4-4-4 (1 tbsp. per gallon of soil) Down-to-Earth 7-3-1 Bat Guano (1 tbsp. Per gallon of soil), Epsom Salts (for plants), and 1 cup of Earthworm castings per gallon of soil. These were transplanted into 2 gallon plastic pots. (I prefer plastic pots when I’m still transplanting as they pop out of the plastic easier but their final home will be fabric pots). Once transplanted I watered her down with my mixture of Fish Shit and Re-Charge (per label recommendations) to a slight run-off.
Plant two through 8 days is exactly where she should be. I find that these seedlings do great with Fox Farm Happy Frog soil. For watering I’m still only lightly moistening the soil around the seedling and spraying it down with a light mist of water as well when needed.