GrowingGranniecommentedweek 33 years ago
Just tripped over your diary and wanted to check it out... I see you've got a fairly big problem with fungus gnats - these things like to live in wet soil which tells me you're probably watering them too much - wait until the soil dries out to water them each time... in the meantime, from personal experience with those horrible things, I can tell you to get yourself some Mosquito Bits (you can get them from Amazon or any garden center) ... follow the directions (you soak them in water for 30 minutes and then strain them out and use the water for your plants) ... it kills the adults, eggs and larvae and works a treat! If it's a bad infestation, you may have to repeat this once a week for three weeks but it is SO worth it... they'll do great damage to your root system!
Good luck and enjoy the journey! The ladies look great!
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