I enjoyed some finger hash after trimming and the effect is wonderfully relaxing while the flavor of the hash was slow to start but finished with gentle fuel notes on the exhale.
Edit: came back to add a smoke report for the cured flower - very nice. Soft herbal with sweet notes, almost like a plum, hits gradually, gently relaxing you. Not sedating but relaxing enough I can decide to go to sleep and I’m out in minutes - which is not normal
for me as I have a busy brain. The spouse loves Black Sugar too, its a new household fave.
Edit to add: 1 month cure and these are this is the smoothest silkiest smoke. Sexy! it’s so smooth!
Growing her was a breeze. She wasn’t at all fussy about the strong nutes she was given. SeaBlast really seemed to agree with her. The plant was lovely, compact, and quite productive. I only used Bloom Master once and over-nuted when I did. My soil contained some natural PK sources though. Just the Grow and Bloom seemed to be perfect for my grow and the HiBrix Molasses was a treat for my soil microbes too.