
North Thunderfuck - Farm #11

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 11
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Commented by
ButterfliesLittleFarm ButterfliesLittleFarm
2 years ago
Hello Diary, On the 76th day was the harvest at Butterflies Little Farm. This 11th farm is certainly one of my favorites. All three plants that grew had a great cycle. Along with two Thunderfucks, there was also one Cookies Gelato that also exceeded all my expectations. Thunderfuck may not be leading the way with flower size, but what I can say so far is that they are one of the best strains ever grown on the farm. The flowers are rock hard which I have not been able to achieve so far. So I'm really looking forward to seeing how they look after drying. I examined them almost daily under the microscope because I wanted to be sure when the moment was right. And after all the trichomes took on a milky appearance, and here and there some brown trichomes appeared, it was time to harvest. But when I look at the photos, both plants and their external appearance make it clear that it is harvest time. This week there was one (last) watering, three days before the harvest. On the day of harvest, I first removed most of the leaves to make trimming after drying easier, and to improve the drying process and reduce the possibility of mold. After that, I cut off the plants at the very bottom of the stand and hung them upside down to dry along with the Cookies Gelato. Conditions in the grow box are ok. The temperature is around 27 degrees, while the humidity in the air is around 50%. I would like it to be lower, but the extremely rainy weather this week also caused increased humidity in the air coming into the grow box. Here's what it looked like last week. 11/09/2022 - Day 73. Last watering. I prepared 8 liters of water and watered all three plants on the Farm with that amount. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 27 degrees and 50% humidity. 14/09/2022 - Day 76. Harvest. First I removed most of the leaves from the plant and then cut off the base of the stem. I hung it to dry inside the grow box. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 26.8 degrees and 49% humidity. Now there will be 10-15 days of drying, I will see how quickly it dries. That's all I thought was important regarding the breeding and characteristics of this great strain. There is a lot of information that I can share with others and write down for myself as a reminder. Great experience and I'm very happy with the outcome, at least for now. See you soon with the final report.
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Wastent91commentedweek 92 years ago
wounderfoul budssss i like it so much! congrats!!!
GreenGlowescommentedweek 92 years ago
Good luck with your gro! 😎
Shmalevichcommentedweek 42 years ago
Вы замечательно делаете свое дело! Удачи!
Rockafromspacecommentedweek 11a year ago
Looking Ace
ButterfliesLittleFarmcommenteda year ago
@Rockafromspace, thank you 🙏
steveaustincommentedweek 11a year ago
They came out beautiful!
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 92 years ago
Beautiful looking flower my friend great work
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 02 years ago
Very nice start! Seedlings look amazing and very strong! Good luck the rest of the way... it will be interesting to see which option you find best - the bat guano or the mycorrhiza!