It's alive 🙌
structured water tea test 1 - 10/25
lst - retied very early 10/25
browning on lower fans - as expected A+ 10/25
re-potted - 1gal tal to 3 gal tall 10/25
light - raised to the max, intensity at 90%
watering - misting 10/25
1st watering - Bottom watering on 10/27
apparatus - was modified heavily, zinc copper with guitar strings for antenna, oxidized iron wire, used dollar store paints to connect mainframe, used 2 pencil cores (graphite), trimmed, sand papered, painted mainframe with pine tar (took a week 1/2 to recover), pointed at S not north, added quartz crystal inside apparatus ( loose crystal piece ), tested and passed the test. measurements done in cubits.