Coming along well, Day 43 Flower, I've dimmed the lights 10% using a Kill*A*Watt meter. Nutrient wise I've changed it up for the final stretch,
to the gallon of 180ppm city tap water, I've reduced Maxibloom to 1/2 teaspoon, I've began adding 1/4 teaspoon KoolBloom powder and 2-3 teaspoons of Diamond Nectar Humic Acids. I don't need to add ph up or down as this mixture puts my ph @ 6.3, EC is currently 1.7. each plant receives a minimum of 1 gallon per day, more often they receive a gallon and a quarter or half, applied with a garden sprayer a quart or 1/2 gallon at a time throughout the day, usually about every 3 hours. I keep about an inch of water in the trays below the plants, roots have penetrated the bottoms of the pots and are in the nutrient solution below-I drain this off completely every 2-3 days to keep it fresh-I've followed this routine many times before with no ill effect, as a matter of fact the plants seem to thrive even more-so I stopped fighting it.