Dec. 11 - Week 10 begins with a fresh sachet of Cucumeris and lots of plain water.
Dec. 15 - I have removed the majority of the crispy leaves. Watering is a slow process now, 5ml takes almost 5 minutes to absorb into the soil, and about 25ml before there is any runoff if the soil was allowed to dry at all, like when I sleep. During my waking hours I just give it 4-5ml here and there as I go about my day. There are a few trichomes showing up so she's still progressing, still growing. This is such a hearty cultivar, it's a shame Humboldt Seeds may be retiring it, but excited for what the'll introduce next.
Dec. 17 - While applying the first bit of water today I noticed something moving on the can, often it's a droplet from spilling, but this was different so I looked closer. It was what I assume to be a fairly young thrip (3-5 days) being harassed by a couple cucumeris, something I presumed was happening, but never actually thought I'd witness. Unfortunately for the cucumeries I squished the bugs they were after.